Sometimes you may get a sleepless night, especially when you are not careful with the bed bugs.
Bed bugs usually spread at a very high rate and become hectic in controlling them. Therefore, it is crucial to learn how to get rid of bed bugs before worsening up.
However, removing bed bugs requires patience since it takes time, as well as your efforts. In case you have a significant infestation, you need to try using chemicals and non-chemicals as the other approaches.

In this post, we are going to discuss the steps involved in getting rid of these bedbugs.
Step by Step on How to Get Rid of Bedbugs Completely
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1. Check All the Infested Places
At this point, you need to be sure of the entire area covered by the bedbugs. Usually, it will be cheaper and comfortable for you to treat a small portion of bugs than waiting for an extensive infestation.
However, if you are not very keen, it may take longer to identify such small infestation.
These bedbugs have very narrow and small bodies that make them penetrate the tiny places on the mattress, folds of curtains or couch. When searching for them, you may not see them unless you hire experts to look for them accurately.
If you come across a bedbug, you can place it directly into a jar filled with one spoonful of rubbing alcohol. In case you are not sure about the type of bed bug you get. You consult from a nearby expert.
Photo by: Michael Potter
2. Contain the Infestation from Spreading
You achieve this by;
- Removing the infested items and treating them in a sealed plastic bag.
- Sometimes some items may not get treated, and you can put them in a sealed bag and leave them to stay there for up to one year to kill them completely.
- After each use of the vacuum, you can empty it and seal the bag as you immediately dispose it outside on the trash container.
- If you cannot eliminate the bed bugs safely, discard the furniture and destroy it thoroughly to avoid re-using them again by someone else; however, if you can remove the bed bugs from the furniture, no need to discarding your furniture.
3. Prepare for Treatment of Bed Bugs
It is very crucial to prepare for the treatment process. This makes it simple to have a close monitor, especially on the bed bugs that you did not eliminate at first.
Ensure that you complete the preparation, whether you hired a professional doing it or yourself.
4. Kill the Bed Bugs
At this point, try to clear your bed bugs without necessarily using the chemicals. They are easy to kill, especially at a very high temperature of about 460C or at the same time exposing them to low temperatures below 00C.
To succeed in this method without the use of chemicals, you can try using the ways below.
Killing Bed Bugs by the Use of Home Cleaning Technique
Place all the bags that contain bed bugs into the freezer at 0 degrees Celsius and leave them to stay there for about four days.
Wash your clothes and beddings using hot water for about half an hour and then all them to dry by exposing them on the highest radiations of heat for further 30 minutes.
Put all infested items to a black bag and throw them outside during a hot day at a temperature of about 95°
Killing Bed Bugs Using a Non-chemical Technique
Some non-chemical methods are instrumental compared to others depending on the rising situations. However, they may not be useful in getting rid of these bed bugs altogether. The methods include;
Steam Cleaners
Dry or wet cleaners are mostly used in the treatment of carpets, bed frames, baseboards as well as furniture.
However, when using steam cleaners, make sure that the temperature of the steam is about 1300 F. You can use a diffuser in preventing the scattering.
Cold Treatment
Cold treatment is useful to use at home, especially when the freezer is at 0 degrees Celsius. Using a well-sealed bag, put the items into the fridge and leave them there for at least four days.
Remember to use a thermometer to confirm the temperature because most of the freezers not set to zero degrees.
Heat Treatment
This technique involves the use of a black plastic bag or a dryer cloth on a high heat day. However, when you are doing it yourself, you may not get good results in eliminating the bed bugs.
You can hire experts who are capable of treating the entire house with heat since they use proven methods with intensive research. Besides, you can buy a heat chamber that is portable for effective results.
5. Keep on Monitoring the Affected Places
You require more and more time to wipe out all the bed bugs from your surroundings. Therefore, make sure that all the bed bugs have entirely moved before concluding that you have finished the work.
Keep on checking the infested places at least once in a week for any sign.
For easy spotting of the bedbugs, you can put the bedbug interceptors below the bed leg, which traps any bug around before climbing up to your bed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Leading Cause of Bed Bugs?
The leading cause of bed bugs infestation is usually traveling. They can attack your clothes, luggage, or any other item you are transporting from one place to another.
How do You Kill Bed Bugs?
To kill the bed bugs completely,
- Make sure that you spray below the bed, around as well as the baseboards close to your bed.
- Spray inside the closets, doors, and on the frames of the door.
- Spray the molding at the bottom and top of your room.
- Also, spray on the bottom and top of the seams on the drawers.
What is the First Sign of Bed Bugs?
The signs of bed bugs include rusty or dark spots on the mattresses and sheets, walls, or even bedclothes. You can also get musty odor and offensive smell whenever there are bedbugs.
Hopefully, from the above post, you are now comfortable on how to get rid of bed bugs altogether.
However, ensure that you maintain general hygiene and avoid putting some magazines, papers, clothes, or any other material on your floor, which may act as a hiding place for bed bugs. By doing this, you will be sure of the complete elimination of bed bugs.