These days you can find a synthetic, artificial version of just about anything. You can buy artificial alternatives to your favorite foods, why eat a real strawberry when you can have something that’s strawberry-flavored? Fake flowers have been around for a long time and have decorated many a home and office badly. Another popular artificial product is synthetic grass, you often see it on sports fields where it is a durable substitute for thirsty and difficult-to-maintain real grass.

We think it’s pretty neat stuff and started to ponder other ways to use it beyond the playing field or front yard. We have come up with some ideas, all you need is a roll of it along with some synthetic grass adhesive so you can stick it to things the manufacturers may not have thought of!
The following are some (just two) of our favorite synthetic grass creations:
You know those hedges you sometimes see on the grounds of museums or really rich people’s homes that have been laboriously trimmed into the shapes of animals? They’re pretty neat, right? These living sculptures can be quite fascinating, but they require a lot of time, effort, and gardening expertise to maintain their pristine shapes.
So, why go through all that time and toil to grow a topiary when you can just make a fake one? Here’s a simple way to create your own synthetic topiary without the hassle:
1. Get Your Base:
Head down to the local carnival and try your luck at winning a giant stuffed animal by throwing a ball at some bottles. If carnivals aren’t your thing, you can always purchase one from a fancy toy shop or even find oversized stuffed animals online.
2. Prepare Your Materials:
- Synthetic Grass: Purchase a roll of synthetic grass. It’s durable, easy to work with, and resistant to weather.
- Synthetic Grass Adhesive: Ensure you have a strong adhesive specifically designed for synthetic grass. This will help the grass stick firmly to the surface of the stuffed animal.
- Scissors: For cutting the synthetic grass into manageable pieces.
3. Create Your Topiary:
- Cut the Grass: Measure and cut pieces of synthetic grass to cover different sections of the stuffed animal. Make sure to cut small pieces for detailed areas like paws and facial features.
- Apply Adhesive: Apply the synthetic grass adhesive carefully on each piece and stick it onto the stuffed animal. Press down firmly to ensure they adhere properly.
- Cover Completely: Continue this process until the entire stuffed animal is covered in synthetic grass.
4. Display Your Masterpiece:
- Once your artificial topiary is complete, place it in your front yard or garden as a whimsical decoration.
- These creations can add a touch of humor and creativity to your outdoor space, and as an added bonus, they might even scare off local children—those things can be pretty creepy!
With these steps, you’ll have an eye-catching artificial topiary that mimics the charm of traditional hedge sculptures without any of the maintenance! Have fun showcasing your creativity while keeping things simple and hassle-free.
Man Cave
Nothing says “man cave” like synthetic grass, it’s as if they were made for each other! So, you have somehow staked out a room of the house (the garage) and have driven the rest of the family out of it by smoking cigars until they can’t stand the smell and just leave you alone out there—now it’s time to decorate!
Start with the floor so you and your buddies can sit on that old sofa your wife tried to throw away, drink some beer, and watch the game on the old TV the kids don’t watch anymore because they have mobile devices. Imagine feeling as if you are actually sitting on the pitch! The synthetic grass will not only add a unique aesthetic but also provide a softer surface underfoot.
Walls and Ceiling
Why stop at the floor? If that sounds awesome to you, then why not go further and cover the roof and the walls with synthetic grass too? This will create an immersive experience that truly puts the cave in a man cave. Think about it: our prehistoric ancestors lived in caves lined with natural materials, so why not modernize this concept?
- Walls: Covering your walls with synthetic grass can add an extra layer of soundproofing, perfect for those nights when the game gets a little too exciting.
- Ceiling: A grass-covered ceiling can give an illusion of endless greenery, making your space feel larger and more open.
Additional Touches
- Furniture: Consider using outdoor furniture or even repurposing items like picnic benches to enhance that outdoor feel indoors.
- Lighting: Use string lights or lanterns to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.
- Décor: Add sports memorabilia, vintage signs, and maybe even a mini fridge stocked with your favorite beverages.
Tip: Installing a small putting green in one corner could be your next project. Nothing beats practicing your golf swing while watching your favorite team score!
Fun Facts
We always like to check what the Australian Government has to say about our topics, but nothing this time, so I give you instead the golden wattle, Australia’s national floral emblem!
We have more synthetic grass ideas such as:
- A mini golf setup in your backyard
- A picnic area in your living room
But we are sadly out of space. The divorce isn’t final yet…
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Two creative uses for synthetic grass are creating a topiary and using it as flooring in a man cave.
To create a topiary, you will need to get your base, prepare your materials, create your topiary by cutting the grass, and then display your masterpiece once it’s complete.
You will need synthetic grass, a base, and some tools for cutting and shaping the grass.
The Australian Government has regulations and standards for synthetic grass products.
You can use synthetic grass as flooring, on the walls and ceiling, and add additional touches such as outdoor furniture or repurposed items to enhance the man cave atmosphere.
Consider using outdoor furniture or repurposed items to complement the synthetic grass flooring and enhance the overall man cave experience.