For comfort, clean your home regularly. Remove the dust. Dust the windows. Don’t allow dust to gather around the chairs. Use the right detergents to clean your home. Cleaning your home will protect you from diseases.
It will keep pests from infesting your home. Choose the right cleaning company with Janitorial Service Bids. However, it’s important to get all the steps right. Don’t make the following mistakes when cleaning your home.

Don’t Use Dirty Cleaning Gears
Avoid using dirty cleaning tools. Otherwise, you might end up spreading bacteria instead of cleaning your home. Wash your cleaning clothes and scrub the brushes before you start working.
All scrub brushes should be cleaned. Don’t use dirty mobs. Use the right sanitizer on items such as toilet brushes. All vacuums should be emptied once they become full. Change the filter regularly after a couple of days or weeks.
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Forgetting To Clean Before Disinfecting
Don’t disinfect without cleaning your surfaces first. The work of cleaning is to remove physical germs. On the other hand, disinfecting kills germs, leaving behind healthy surfaces.
Remove dust from surfaces before applying a disinfectant. Remove all the debris. Get rid of any residue from the surfaces first. From here, use a disinfectant to kill all the germs.
Don’t Rub Stains. Blot Them
For optimal results, consider blotting the stains. Remove spills, splatters, etc. as quickly as possible before they become permeant stains. Scrubbing them will worsen the problem. Don’t rub the stains. It will make the stain spread. For instance, it can quickly damage your upholstery fibers.
According to experts, it’s advisable to blot all the stains using a clean cloth. This will remove the residue, leaving behind a clean surface. Use the right stain removal technique when dealing with spills.
Don’t Wipe Surfaces Too Quickly
Don’t be in a rush. Cleaning surfaces is not all about spraying, wiping, and walking away. The surfaces need time to absorb the disinfectant. Thus, embrace patience. Allow the surfaces to be wet for some time.
This is the best way to get rid of all germs. Before using any cleaning product, read the instructions. Pay attention to the minimum contact time, especially when dealing with disinfectants.
Don’t Use Sponges to Clean Surfaces
Don’t use sponges to clean your surfaces. Don’t use them on surfaces like countertops, kitchen cabinets, etc. According to experts, sponges tend to harbor bacteria. Using them means transferring these bacteria to your surfaces.
It’s advisable to use clean microfiber. Disinfect the microfiber regularly. Also, consider changing your microfiber after a few weeks.
Don’t Use the Same Cloth on All Surfaces
Don’t use the same cloth to clean all surfaces in your home. Each surface comes with its unique requirements. Plus, doing so will transfer germs to other surfaces. For instance, you cannot use a bathroom cleaning cloth on kitchen surfaces.
It will transfer bacteria to your kitchen. Instead, use different cleaning cloths on different surfaces. Kitchen counters should have their cleaning cloth. Use a different cleaning cloth on the bathroom surfaces.
Using The Wrong Vacuum Head
Be sure to utilize the right vacuum head. Using the wrong type could quickly lead to threadbare sections. Don’t vacuum your rugs without a carpet attachment as this could severely damage them.
Using A Spraying Mop
Avoid cleaning your floors with a spraying mop. Although this might seem like a better option, it can make your home dirtier. Most floor cleaners create a sticky coat on the floors. And this can be extremely difficult to remove.
Allowing Water to Float on Hardwood Floor
Don’t let water sit on your floors. This is particularly important when it comes to hardwood floors. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can ever make. Applying excess water on wood floors will cause them to warp.
When cleaning, use a lightly dampened cloth or mop. And once you’re done, wipe it with a dry cloth to get rid of any standing water.
Relying On a Microfiber Dusting-Based Pad
Stay away from microfiber dusting pads. Although these dusting cloths may look convenient, they can attract more dust than you expected. The pads are designed to utilize static forces for attracting dust. When static builds up, the pads will attract more dirt, forcing you to clean more frequently.
Washing Your Wooden Boards in Your Dishwasher
Desist from tossing wooden cutting boards into your dishwasher. Too much heat can cause the wood to split. As such, it’s advisable to clean wooden cutting boards with water and detergent. After that, dry them thoroughly and apply a mineral oil rub. That will keep them spectacularly clean and dry.
Turning On a Half-Empty Dishwasher
You should only run your dishwasher when it’s full. Aside from wasting energy, washing partial loads can damage your dishwasher. So, don’t be quick to turn on your device. Simply wait until it’s full and you’ll be good to go.
Wrong Sponges to Clean Pans
Not all sponges are the same. Using the wrong type of sponge can shorten your utensils’ life span. For aluminum pots and pans, consider using yellow regular sponges. For stainless steel, use metal sponges. And for ceramic, avoid using an abrasive sponge as it might cause premature flaking.
Using Magnetic Erase to Clean Reflective Surfaces
Magic erasers are extremely impressive. However, they don’t work on every surface. Using them to clean shiny surfaces will leave dull spots. Microwave exteriors, countertops, and wood floors shouldn’t be cleaned using sponges.
Instead of making those areas, they’ll make them dirtier. So, make the right choices when deciding which cleaning materials to use.
Using Low-Quality Cleaning Supplies
Get your cleaning supplies from the right brand. Choose high-quality disinfectants. The cleaning materials should not pose any health risks to people.
The Bottom-Line
A clean home is comfortable. It protects you from common bacteria and diseases. Cleaning your home regularly will keep dust from gathering. It will minimize dust from settling on your windows, doors, and walls. Regular home cleaning minimizes mold in your home. Get the process right. don’t make the above mistakes when cleaning your home.