The charcoal grill is the most popular & versatile grilling ever. Charcoal is an alternative type of grill fuel.
Wood pellets are one of the additional things you can apply on a charcoal grill. This is the most efficient & eco-friendly fuel.
One of the best things, there are different flavors that come from the food for wood pellets (smokey smells, fruity smell).

What Kind of Flavor Exist
There are many kinds of wood pellets you find on the market. Such as cherry, alder, apple, maple, oak, mesquite, hickory, etc. They are giving a different smell from food, it depends on pellets.
Before purchasing, you need to know one thing, some of the pellets you found at the market but they are not perfect for charcoal grills.
Read Also:
How You Use Wood Pellets in a Charcoal Grill With Some Steps
Some pellets are mixed with chemicals that can simply ruin your foods. And also unhealthy for humans.
Many electric grill lovers don’t know how to use wood pellets in the charcoal grill. If you are one of them, this useful guides for you.
Also, GriVic may give you about the new experiences about grilling, here discussing some basics of this topic. Let’s dive into it.
1. Fire up Your Grill
When you are grilling it is always advised to mix the wood pellets. This reason you can find the better flavor you would desire from food.
A mixture of the couple will have your food prepared in a comparatively less duration when you fire up the grill with pellets only. It can save energy.
There are lots of ways to fire up a charcoal grill. But I suggest you use a charcoal starter. It will have you provoking extra expenses, but it’s fast & easy. They are also durable & you not to change it sooner.
2. Shift the Coals to the Grill
With burning coals within the grill, your grill will warm up in no moment after you’ve moved them from the charcoal starter.
After that, put the grill lid on the heat. To quicken the method faster, leave the chimneys completely open.
3. Add the Pellets on Charcoal
Before attaching the wood pellets, you must ensure that your grill is fired at the desired temperature. It will depend on what you are want to grill.
They are no limits to adding pellets on the grill. You should make a decision on how much smoke & flavor you want in your cooking & how long you cooked it.
Normally, A fist of wood pellets will keep the flavor rolling for near to 20 minutes. We already recognize the different types of pellets. It depends on you what types of smells come out from your tasty foods.
But my choice is, when I grilled chicken thighs I would use apple flavor wood pellets. I think one of the suitable smells this is. WOW
4. Time of Grilling
When you add wood pellets to the charcoal, you must provide them time to burn before you serve the food on the plates.
It can take time depending on your food quantity. It can help to reach the flavor & cooked perfectly.
5. Turn of the Grill Lid
The last procedure is the turn of the grill & give them rest. After the vents are open the whole time, you must make sure that they are only half-open at the moment.
leave the ventilators fully open to runt the fire out & add fuel to your fire.
Now you need to close them. The greatest idea is to know the grill temperature is high or low by grilling a thermometer.
For this, you can know easily how much time you need to cook. It can help you if you need additional wood pellets to complete it.
6. Serving the Food
Now time to serve the food with your family & friends. You can take the food off the grill and serve it with some cucumber, tomatoes, lotus leaf-like a restaurant-style. It depends on your food menu.
Final Word
How to use wood pellets in charcoal grills does it easier for the present view. Welcome this latest phase of grilling that will give your guest a surprise at how flavorful the food.
One important thing to note when choosing wood pellets is the smoky taste that you like to keep in your barbeque.
Always use pellets from a reputed brand for the original smell, it can help your grill to be attractive & flavorful. Happy grilling.