Selling real estate is a responsible and troublesome activity, the success of which depends on proper preparation.
In this article, we will tell you how you can successfully sell your house to save time and get the maximum amount. The best house buyers are companies that buy houses in any condition.

Selling a Home in Houston
In most cases, potential buyers will try to lower the starting price by focusing on the disadvantages of the house or lot.
For their part, homeowners may slightly increase the market price by the anticipated discount and note the possibility of bargaining in the listing. Such offers get more responses, so you can quickly and profitably sell the house.
How to sell your home quickly and profitably:
- Conduct pre-sale preparation of the property. According to research by marketers, buyers decide in the first 30 seconds of viewing.
To make the first impression was pleasant, make a cosmetic repair of the living space, facade and remove unnecessary furniture.
Clean the yard area: clean the area from weeds, repair the decorative fences. Pay attention to the condition of the gates and wickets: they should hang firmly, open without creaking.
- Eliminate breakages and sources of unpleasant odors. Make the necessary repairs to communications, ventilation systems, roofing, support systems. The house should look lived in and well-maintained.
- Pick up your personal belongings. So that potential buyers will perceive your home as their future home, depersonalize the rooms: remove pictures, children’s drawings, souvenirs, objects of a religious character. Keep pets.
- Provide complete information. Think through your ad: describe all the features of the object in detail, focus on its merits. Complement the ad with versatile and high-quality photos of the object.
During the viewing be prepared to answer additional questions, talk about the possibility of redevelopment, expanding the living space through non-residential premises and extensions.
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- Increase the number of potential customers through advertising. Use all available channels to place your offer: cooperate with real estate agencies, place ads in newspapers, specialized Internet portals, tell your relatives and friends about the intention to sell the house.
- Spend as many viewings as possible. Do not miss calls, call back, show all comers, try to offer a convenient time for them.
- After the presentation, leave the buyers alone. Allow time to think, confer, explore the house on their own. Without supervision, buyers will feel more comfortable, get a pleasant impression of the house and the owner.
Drawing up of Documents
Practice shows that many owners do not pay proper attention to the legal side of the issue and take a very weak position in this regard, and operate in the market on the principle: when a buyer is found – then executed documents.
In addition, some landlords initially expect when a potential client arrives, to pass on the duty of registration of the property for a small discount in price.
But whatever the case, it is best for the homeowner to get all the documentation on the property in order, both legally and technically.
Powerful Advertising – the Engine of Home Sales
A comprehensive advertising campaign with regular support and updates, with prompt correction of the original data, is another archival detail in the process of selling a suburban home.
When listing a house for sale, don’t limit yourself to just one or two of the most popular specialized resources on the World Wide Web. Use the marketing potential to the fullest.
I recommend publishing your proposal on the Internet in all relevant portals – this will increase the target audience, and thus help you to sell your house and land much faster.
Time for Selling Real Estate
According to statistics, to find a real buyer for the property you need to spend 5-20 shows and more.
The speed of the sale depends on the market and the declared value of the property, the region, the real estate market situation, and even the time of year.
For example, more deals are made from March to April and from October to November. On average it takes 3-6 months to sell a house.