Are you wondering why you keep getting an over-bloated electricity bill every other month? Wonder no more, as we will expose the reason why in this piece, after that you could check this power efficiency guide to know how to save money and conserve energy.
Well, you aren’t alone, so many persons have seen their electricity bill deplete their savings drastically and it seems there is no end to it. To avoid these, you should get to understand what appliances or factors that are responsible for the hike in your electricity bills.
In this piece, we will also drop some salient tips on how you can efficiently use these appliances to minimize energy consumption.

Below are some of the appliances and factors that have been creating a hole in your pocket via exorbitant electricity bills.
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1. Air Conditioner
Cooling devices are one of the vampire appliances in our homes. They suck on the energy as their lives depended on it. For instance, your central air conditioners consume as much as 5,000 Watts of energy, making them the number contributor to high electricity bills.
This is even worse for individuals that leave in hotter climates where Air Conditioner is subjected to perform optimally. For those that are residents in cooler environments, you can use air conditioners but tone down on the frequency and save yourself some extra cash.
2. Refrigerator
This is yet another cooling appliance that significantly influences your electricity bills per month. It is even worse when you consider the fact that this is one appliance that arguably should be turned on 24/7. But notwithstanding, there are ways you can regulate its usage to save money on bills.
First things first, always buy the size that you need for your family. Yea, we know that the claim out there is “the bigger, the better”, but don’t invest in bigger refrigerators that you don’t need. The size of your refrigerator is directly proportional to energy consumption.
Also, you can minimize energy consumption by ensuring that the refrigerator is strategically positioned in corners where they are not subjected to external heat.
This means, it should be hidden from direct sunlight and should be kept far away from the kitchen stove or any other appliance that generates heat. This way, it will not consume as much energy since the motor is not under pressure.
3. Washing Machines and Dryers
With a consumption rate of about 3500 watts, the washing machines or clothe dryers are making a very strong case as the second most energy-consuming equipment that makes your electric bills hurt if you believe the experts at Simply Switch. So, use this appliance wisely.
Don’t do your laundry in bits and you can also make do with direct sunlight during summer to dry your clothes.
If you must wash and dry your clothes with these machines, it is advisable to wash and dry a large chunk of similar clothes since it will cost you the same thing.
4. Electric Iron
The heating appliances are the next to watch out for. They mostly come in small sizes, like your electric pressing iron, but their energy consumption leaves a sour taste in the mouth.
You can try to minimize these by ensuring that you do all your ironing once. Also, learn how to use the heat generated by the iron to cover some milestones before turning on the socket again.
Please avoid using your iron on wet clothes for drying purposes as this will increase the wattage consumption by stressing the element.
Not many people, understand the recommended temperature settings for their clothes as specified by the manufacturers. An understanding of this will help you save energy when ironing your clothes.
5. Electric Water Heater
Still, on the heating appliances, the electric water heater comes to mind. Always ensure that your water heater is turned off when not in use. Although it doesn’t consume as much as the central air conditioner, the way you use this machine can make a big difference in the bills you receive.
6. Rechargeable Smart Gadgets
Do you know that all the smart gadgets in your house contribute significantly to your monthly expenses on electricity bills? Yes, you see all those Laptops, consoles, smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, and their chargers suck energy from your house.
Make sure you recharge your device only when you need to and remove any chargers from ac source or sockets when not in use because they are drawing energy from the socket even if your gadget isn’t plugged into it.
7. Television
We may try to dismiss the impact a Television has on our electricity bills with a wave of the hand, but the numbers are not lying. Reckless use of television can increase your bills unnecessarily.
Please turn off your television when you go to bed or when you leave the house. For those that have more than one television in the house, ensure that they are all not on at the same time if there aren’t people watching them.
8. Outdated and Faulty Appliance
Faulty and outdated appliances in your home could be the reason you are being billed a lot for electricity charges. It is a common fact that old machines or appliances are designed to consume more energy.
They are not as efficient as the newer models in the market. Manufacturers are beginning to think about energy efficiency and that goes into the design of most products today.
So, you might want to dispose of the old appliances in your home and replace them with more recent models for a little token. For instance, recent models of refrigerators are known to consume about four times less energy than their older counterparts.
You can part with some little cash to save more in the future. The same applies to faulty appliances too. They are channels for energy leakage. Replace them and stop paying more in electricity bills.
Electricity has become an integral part of our lives and these appliances are making our lives a bit simpler so we can’t do away with them. However, paying attention as to how and when we use them can make all the difference in our finance.