Do I need to clean the air ducts of my home? Most people come up with this question from time to time.
Well, most homeowners are not aware of the fact that cleaning the air ducts of their HVAC system not only improves the indoor air quality but also ensures that the air ducts function properly.
In the event, you don’t know if the air ducts of your home require cleaning or not, call the professionals of duct cleaning services in Whitby. They can inspect the air ducts for you and tell if it needs cleaning or not.
- It helps to reduce air pollutants: Dust, dirt, and other air pollutants can accumulate inside air ducts over time.
- It improves airflow: Air ducts can become clogged with dust and other contaminants over time. This can lead to reduced airflow from the HVAC system, leading to higher energy costs and decreased comfort levels in your home. Air duct cleaning can help to improve airflow and efficiency in the HVAC system, resulting in lower energy costs and improved air quality.
- It prevents mold growth: Mold is a common problem in air ducts due to moisture buildup from air conditioning or humidity levels. If not taken care of, this moisture can lead to mold growth and air quality issues. Air duct cleaning can help to remove mold and other air contaminants, preventing them from spreading throughout your home.
Knowing About Duct Cleaning
Most people don’t have adequate knowledge about duct cleaning services. For them, duct cleaning is a blanket term. To help people on this subject matter, this post could be of great help. Just check it out.
Basically, duct cleaning refers to the cleaning of different parts of a heating and cooling system. It even involves the cleaning of the return and supply air ducts and registers; diffusers and grilles; and more.
If these parts are not properly installed and maintained, it can get contaminated with dust and debris.
In the presence of moisture, mold growth, or dust inside the system, it becomes the root cause of indoor air pollution.
So, homeowners should get rid of dust, debris, and other harmful materials from settling on the air ducts. For cleaning the air ducts, taking the help of duct cleaning services in Whitby is mandatory.
How Often Ducts Should Be Cleaned?
Now that you have made up your mind to clean the ducts, it’s well and good. The next question to strike your mind is how often one should clean the air ducts. The rule of the thumb is to get the air ducts inspected and cleaned every 3-5 years.
The technicians working with the duct cleaning companies would inspect the duct and will tell if the ducts need cleaning or not.
Factors to Keep in Mind
In case, you are considering getting your ducts cleaned, you should keep in mind the following factors. They are:
- Try to get the air ducts cleaned during the spring. It would help you to ensure that you or your family don’t inhale the minute dust particles or bacteria from mold growth.
- The cleaning process won’t take more than 2-3 hours. During the cleaning process, you can enjoy the backyard.
- Based on the size of your home, the cost of air duct cleaning would depend. It’s better to ask for an estimate from the duct cleaning service providers before hiring them.
Cleaning the Ducts Is Important
Do you want to breathe some fresh air? Don’t want your allergies to aggravate again?
If you said – Yes, then it’s high time and you should consider calling the professionals offering duct cleaning services in Whitby now!
In the remaining post, you will get to see why air duct cleaning is so important for your home.
Say Goodbye to Unwanted Guests
Insects and pests love to live inside the air ducts. They find the ducts as their comfortable living space. However, the droppings of the insects and pests are toxic. They are not good for the health of the homeowners.
Similarly, the dirt buildup within the air ducts is the root cause of skin allergies, other respiratory problems, and asthma.
A professional inspection helps to get rid of these pests, along with the accumulated dust and mold inside the air ducts. This would help people to get fresh air instead of the polluted air with harmful contaminants.
Improved Efficiency of the System
Your HVAC unit is an important investment. And, you won’t look forward to buying a new one soon. If you want to keep it running for a long time, the least you can do is to opt for duct cleaning services in Whitby.
Regular cleaning would improve the life of your HVAC system. The wear and tear would be less. It would reduce the amount of debris going back to the system.
Get Rid of Allergies and Asthma
Proper and timely duct cleaning would help people to avert health problems, like allergies, and asthma. Polluted air is known to trigger allergies and asthma attacks.
So those who suffer from any of these problems should consider cleaning the air ducts during the spring.
Basically, outdoor pollutants enter the house and get lodged in the ductwork of the system. This causes indoor air to get polluted.
Apart from pet dander and fungus, allergy-causing bacteria that get trapped inside the ducts cause reactions for people with allergies.
Professional cleaners will carry out a thorough inspection and clean the duct of the particles that cause allergies or asthma.
Save Money on Bill
Cleaning the ducts would reduce the workload of the system. The system won’t need to work hard to circulate the air. Hence, it would help in saving a small amount of money.
Well, there is no way to control mold growth or the accumulation of dust or debris. But there is one thing that homeowners can do to limit the chance of falling sick. So, don’t forget to schedule a professional duct cleaning service in Whitby today.