Most of us are stuck at home these days, given the global pandemic and the onset of what seems to be a long and especially tough winter.
These days, most of the focus has been on finding ways of making our environment at home as warm and hospitable as possible. An indoor tank aquarium is a wonderful touch of nature at a time when we are all being sequestered.
We can look after colorful fish to help while away the hours and find some inspiration. After all, it has been said that an aquarium can help ease our nerves and is generally good for anxiety – in addition to being aesthetically pleasing.
If you’re looking to set up your own tank aquarium, then the following steps should help make things a lot easier for you.
Get Organized
Some people make the mistake of getting a tank and whatever fish is on sale at their local pet shop. This isn’t a great idea, for multiple reasons, but mainly, you want to get the fish that you can look after and care for.
Getting things put together in a slapdash manner is never helpful. Before you start investing money into tanks or equipment, then you should decide upon the kind of species you’d like to keep in the tank.
Do you want a smaller species, like a couple of goldfish, or something more elaborate, entailing a breeding tank to make room for larger fish?
The kind of species you choose to inhibit the tank will invariably affect the kind of equipment you will need to purchase to establish a healthy environment. Also, figure out the kind of plants you want to include in the tanks.
Taking the time to get organized and figure out a plan will ensure that you can buy the right size tank and other accessories you need. If you end up purchasing a tank that is too small, that could be a big problem for your fish and will impact your ability to care for them properly.
Prep the Tank
Once you’ve decided upon the kind of aquarium you would like, the next step is to prepare everything before purchasing and putting the fish. As the experts at state, you should never add soap or any other detergent to your tank.
Wipe off any dust with a damp cloth, then fill up the tank with water. Be careful to not add any outside additives when cleaning the tank.
If you purchase any decorative stones for your tank, make sure those have been rinsed clean before placing them. To do so, you can add the stones or gravel to a colander and rinse them several times till the water emerges clean.
Take Care of “Landscaping”
Once everything has been cleaned, you need to do some “landscaping“, or setting up the interior before adding a lot of water. Basically, take your live or plastic plants, stones, and any other kind of decor, and begin designing the interior.
If you are using live plants, then make sure to plant the roots gently below the surface of the gravel. Be sure to keep these plants wet until you’ve planted them so that they don’t wilt or die till you’re done. Arrange everything, then add water.
Connect Everything
Now that you have purchased all your equipment, you should spend some time connecting the airline tubing from the air pump to any outlet inside the tank containing decorations or stones.
You can do this by looking into the aquarium check valve and find the air pump under the aquarium. The check valve is typically found placed under the air tubing outside the tank.
The valve performs an important function in that it effectively acts as a stop that prevents water from backing up and out of your aquarium when the power is off.
If you are unsure of how to go about doing this, you can ask help from an expert so that you don’t make any critical mistakes – this is one area in which everything needs to be done perfectly, to safeguard both the fish and your home.
Be sure that the water is at the right temperature and that you add a filter. Always ask your local pet store for any help, and don’t shy away from requesting specific information about setting things up properly.
There is a lot that you need to be on the lookout for, but once you are done, you should be able to have a wondrously beautiful aquarium set up in your home, offering a serene respite from daily life.