It is the winter season. The weather outside is pretty chilly. Like you feel cold outside the blanket, the fishes inside your aquarium also feel cold. But not the way you imagine.

There are lots of articles regarding fishes dying in winter inside the aquarium more than usual.
We are here to help you with that issue.
Don’t Expose Your Aquarium to Outside Weather
Your aquarium is under a certain temperature always. But if you let your aquarium to exposed to outside weather, for example, you forgot to close the window near the aquarium at night and your fishes were exposed to the chilly weather outside.
That’s not good. You can’t let that happen.
Check Temperature
Use a hanna ph meter to get a better reading. Keep your water to an ideal temperature. Don’t shuffle between too cold or too hot unnecessarily.
In short, keep the ideal temp always.
Make Sure Your Heater is Enough for Your Tank
A lot of the time when people buy an aquarium for the first time without gaining any prior knowledge about it. They sometimes buy a small heater for a large tank. A heater that can never cover the full tank.
So, make sure your heater matches your tank.
Keep the Water Clean
Make sure your water is clean. Buy a quality testing kit use it and make sure your water is acceptable. Check your filters are working perfectly and no fungus or third-party stuff is inside the tank.
Make sure you have the best aquarium canister filter.
Avoid Changing the Whole Water
During the winter season please avoid changing the whole water inside the tank.
Be cautious while changing the water and try to change less than half of the water inside the tank. In winter the fishes are more vulnerable to disease.
And if you change your whole water and you do that often the temperature will change drastically and that will stress the fishes. That’s not a good thing. The fishes might get sick due to that and die early.
Keep a Close Eye on Your Fishes
We are not saying you should monitor your fishes 24/7 but in winter with sudden temperature change, the fishes tend to stress out.
And if that happens, they might suffer from the common fungal disease and white-spot. Keep an eye on those. If any of your fishes catch any of that make sure to feed them proper medication.
Feed Healthy
Like you eat a good diet. Your fish should have one too. Feed them healthy, feed them nutritious meals. You can try frozen food to fill in the vitamins.
Try Not to Overfeed
Your fish won’t become “chonky” like those cute cats from the internet.
A sudden change in diet might affect them. That’s why avoid overfeeding them and feed them around 1 time every day.
If the Fishes are Sick
Treat them to antibiotics. Better to consult a vet first on this matter. You don’t want to kill them, do you?
Truth be told you might worry about your fishes in winter more than usual. We get it. But with proper instruction and steps, you can take care of your fish and give them a healthy and fun life even in winter.
We hope we were able to lessen your worries and guide you towards the right path.
There you have our Crucial Tips and guide that how to care for your aquarium fish in winter.