Moving home can be an exciting time for many people. It is a process that can be stressful, but there are ways to make it much easier. As the nesting instinct kicks in, you might find yourself getting excited about setting up your new place.

It’s important to take steps to ensure that you don’t get into trouble while moving – and that your move goes smoothly. So, if you’re moving home. Here are ten things to keep in mind for an easier move.
10 Tips to Keep in Mind When Moving Home
1. Give Your Notice
You’ll want to hand in your notice if you’re renting a place. Give a notice of intent to leave to whoever you pay your rent to. Sometimes you need to hand in a notice one month prior to moving, so make sure to check how long the period is.
Have you been renting for less than a year? If so, check your contract because there may be a break clause in place. Also, be 100% sure of the date you’ll be moving.
2. Book a Removal Company and De-clutter
You should de-clutter. When you book your removal company, you’ll have to give them an idea of how many things you’ll be moving. If you’re not sure how to choose a removal company, then you should look at the British Association Of Removers’ website.
If you have things you don’t need, then donate them. Also, feel free to start packing items that aren’t essential.
Larger items can be placed in temporary storage. You’ll want to make sure you have plenty of packing supplies on hand according to
3. Think About Your Pets And Kids
Do you have kids that will be going with you or pets? If so, then inform the old school they will be moving.
For your pets, consider booking them into a kennel for the dates you’ll be moving. Consider how your pets will be transported, and then do your research to find the best kennel for your pets.
4. Update Your Details
You’ll want to take the time to think about what kind of details you’ll need to update. If you’re going to move to a brand new place, then register with a new dentist and doctor.
If applicable, you’ll want to update your details with your current care providers. Other places and things you may need to update include:
. Your internet provider
. The council for tax purposes
. Your place of employment
. Your gas and electric company
. Your dentist and doctor
. The inland revenue
. Insurance providers
On that note, do you have home insurance on the place you’re moving to? If not, consider getting it. Remember to shop around for home insurance because this is how you’ll find the best deal.
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5. Inspect Your Car And Check the Route
Are you going to drive long-distance? If so, have your car inspected and have the tires checked. Double-check the route, and check to see if there are areas you can stop at. You never know when you’ll have to stop for a break or to refuel.
6. Pack Everything and Shut Down
Next, you want to start packing. Generally speaking, pack at least two weeks prior to your moving date, and once the day draws closer you’ll want to pack nearly everything. The sooner you start packing, the easier it will be to calm down as the days go by.
Also, you’ll want to do a good clean-out. The fridge and freezer are good places to start. Don’t forget about the garage, loft, and kitchen cabinets.
7. Inform Your Friends
Tell your family and friends where you’ll be moving to. Give them the address and ask them for help, if necessary.
If you’re friendly with your neighbors, then make sure to let them know you’ll be moving and on what date. This will reduce the chances of any difficulties happening on your moving day.
8. Confirmation
Are you sure your move will be going ahead? If so, then confirm with your estate agent or solicitor. Also, you want to be aware that delays might occur. In the week leading up to your moving date, check to see if there are delays.
9. Keep Valuables Safe
Keep anything of value, including paperwork and documents, in a safe place while you’re packing. If you have documents you need for moving, then include those too. Make sure you remember where you’ve put all of your documents, including:
. Passport
. Birth certificates
. Driving license
. Tax paperwork
. Marriage certificate
10. The Day Before You Move
On the day before you move, you’ll likely feel stressed out. Make sure you charge your mobile phone and the most important items are in a marked box.
Double-check your route and confirm everything with your moving company. After you do this, you should be able to relax for a little bit.