Plants are known to provide oxygen and food to all living things on Earth. May it be terrestrial or aquatic plants, it functions almost the same.
Aquatic plants are a trend for the owners of aquariums and other fish tanks, not only as decorations and consumers of toxic nitrogen and carbon compounds.
Furthermore, it also helps for the growth and development of fish and other sea creatures you have in your fish tank.

Although aquatic plants give beneficial outputs for the aquarium, many people still fail to care for them. The poor maintenance and care of aquarium owners lead to the destruction of the aquatic ecosystem in the fish tank. Discover the different species of aquarium plants and learn how to grow them at The Aquarium Guide.
However, in this article, we will talk about the plants you can easily put in your aquarium. And for other related discussions about your fish and fish tank, check this article for more information.
1. Amazon Sword
Amazon Sword Plant is best for tropical fish aquariums. It is one of the most common aquatic plants you can easily find in various stores.
As the name suggests, this plant originated from the beautiful and diverse Amazon Rainforest and the leaves are blade-looking. This classic aquatic plant can grow hugely inside the fish tank. It can grow up to 15-18 inches tall and provides a beautiful background to the fish tank.
Furthermore, the roots of this plant can penetrate deep into the substrate, making it a gravel filter. It does not require high maintenance and utmost care. The plant can be placed in any aquarium as it has a tolerance to water temperature and quality.
2. Java Moss
Java Moss is one of the plants that can easily grow and be taken care of. Most people love to have java moss in their fish tanks, not only does it provide a natural look to the tank but also serves as food or shelter for your fishes.
While it is easy to grow, it is hard to kill this attractive plant. The ideal temperature of this plant is between 21 to 24° Celsius but can also thrive in high temperatures between 29 to 32 °C.
These plants can be attached to rocks or other surfaces and can also float on the water in the aquarium. They are native to Indonesia, specifically Java, and the leaves of this plant originate from the rhizome (thick, horizontal stem or stalk)
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3. Vallisneria Spiralis
Another plant that you can easily take care of is Vallisneria Spiralis. It provides a beautiful and natural ecosystem to your aquarium, and it is perfect for beginners as it grows well in diverse water conditions and is accessible to almost every aquatic store.
The appearance of this plant makes it suitable for small aquariums.
The appearance of this plant is suitable for timid fishes that will serve as their shelter. It can grow up to three feet in height and can also serve as filler for the sides and center of the aquarium. It does not require high maintenance.
4. Elodea Densa
This plant is best known for its capability to produce oxygen. If you have fishes that consume a lot of oxygen like Goldfish, this plant is highly recommended to have.
Elodea Densa is adaptable to various water conditions and prevents algae bloom in aquariums as it absorbs a lot of nutrients from the water.
It is the most popular aquarium and pond plant and is purchased in great quantities. It is highly recommended for beginners as it is not expensive and does not require high maintenance.
They are native to the tropical areas of South America, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay.
3. Marimo Ball
Unlike the aforementioned plants, this is an unusual one as the appearance of it looks like a ball. It is native in Japan and Northern Europe and now is in decline due to the harvesting for the countries in the far East.
Furthermore, they are now considered national treasures and endangered in some countries.
These plants can live for many years and even be passed from generation to generation. They are very hardy and can withstand any attacks that a fish can inflict.
The texture of these animals is spongy and can also serve as filters. They also release oxygen and take in carbon dioxide and also consume nitrogen.
There are a lot of other aquarium plants that are best for your pet fish and aquarium. However, we cannot specify them all in this article.
Moreover, it is best to do some research about the plant you want to put in your aquarium to be guided in taking care of it and the dangers and beneficial effects it has on your fish tank.