Aside from indoor plumbing, one of the key aspects of our houses that separates us from our ancestors only a few generations removed is the fact we have fairly sophisticated climate control. We can warm our homes when it’s cold outside and cool them when it’s hot outside.
While it may seem like a very simple idea, a lot goes into a properly functioning HVAC system. That means if you are replacing your old one or buying a new system for a brand new home, it’s not something you should try and cut corners on.
You’ll want to get a system that’s right for the home and right for your needs.
3 Considerations for Buying a New HVAC System
While there is a lot that goes into making sure your home’s HVAC system is functioning at peak efficiency, you don’t need to be an expert to choose a system for your home. You can narrow down the main information you need for three basic things.
Must Read:
Don’t Compare an HVAC System to a Home Appliance
It’s true that both an oven and a climate control system are machines designed for your home. But, an oven is an appliance. An HVAC unit is not.
Appliances like ovens, refrigerators, and washing machines are completely contained machines. Everything they do is aimed at what’s indie the unit.
- An oven makes its interior hot enough to cook food.
- A refrigerator makes its interior cold enough to keep food from spoiling.
- A washing machine fills with water and works to clean your clothing within.
But, an HVAC unit is used inward facing but instead outward facing, keeping a specified area cool or warm.
This matters because self-contained machines can do their task well in any home. As long as a refrigerator fits in your kitchen, it will do its job perfectly fine. The same goes for an oven.
Not all climate control systems will be able to work in any home though. A small AC unit will not properly cool a massive 5,000 square foot home.
You will need to purchase a unit that is the right size for the volume of your house.
Bigger is Not Better
Just as you want to make sure you pick a new unit that is big enough to heat and cool your home properly, you also want to make sure you don’t just go out and get the biggest most powerful unit your budget allows. If you go too big or buy way more than you need, you sacrifice efficiency.
Having a unit that is just way too big for your needs wastes money in two different ways. First, it’s going to be more expensive, thus your up-front costs are going to be higher. Next, your monthly energy usage is going to run higher than it should as you aren’t efficiently heating and cooling your home.
Going either too small or too big is going to cost you unnecessary money. You want to find that unit that is perfect for your particular living space.
Plan Ahead
Once you find the right system that fits your home and your needs, you want to do a little more research before you pull the trigger. An HVAC system is an expensive purchase after all.
The first thing you’ll want to research or ask the salesperson is if your prospective new unit comes with a warranty. Plus, you’ll want to see what exactly that warranty covers. A solid warranty shows the manufacturer is confident in the quality of that particular model.
Next, it’s a good idea to spend about twenty or thirty minutes and make some phone calls. Call around to some local HVAC service providers and see if they have anything bad to say such as if they are commonly working on that model or similar models from that manufacturer or if they feel replacement parts are more expensive than comparative models on the market.
A few minutes of extra due diligence up front can save you thousands later down the road.
In Conclusion
A house is a complex system. You need a solid foundation, safe and efficient power and wiring, good clean pipes, and a climate control system that is hassle free and does its job perfectly.
Spend a little time doing your research before you make such an expensive and important purchase. You’ll be happy you did.