Apartment Moving Tips — Everything you need to know about apartment living from “tips to moving” to the furniture placement.
So you’re ready to move, are you? Well maybe it’s not moving day yet (good grief!) but you can still get prepared weeks ahead of time. Here are some things you can do to help alleviate some of the stress of moving:
Tips to Moving: Apartment Moving Tips

Moving Mindset
First of all get into the right mindset. Think of your move as a step in the right direction, a positive state of affairs. And just think of the incredible apartment that awaits you! Embrace the possibilities and try to have fun with it.
Start as early as a month before moving day to begin sorting through old clothing, shoes, toys, books, magazines and odds and ends. Get rid of items that are broken and pack up items that you no longer use.
Then call up local charities such as the Salvation Army to come to pick up your donations. In my town, a number of charitable organizations have set up large bins in high traffic areas such as parking lots of shopping malls where people can drop off items they wish to donate. Remember one man’s (or woman’s) garbage is another one’s treasure!
If it’s summertime consider having a yard sale or renting a table at your local flea market. The extra bucks you earn no doubt will come in handy!
Tips to Moving: Moving Boxes
Inquire about boxes from your grocery stores, department stores, and liquor stores, etc. Purchasing boxes from a moving company can run you into more money than you may want to spend. If your move is local look for other sources for boxes.
Don’t forget to buy packing tape, string and a black permanent marker for initializing each box’s contents.

Another great device worth investing in for moving is bungee cords. They come in handy for securing fold out couches, hideabeds, dresser drawers and many other pieces of tricky furniture, both as they are being moved into the truck and while on route to your new home.
Bungee cords can be purchased for next to nothing at most hardware stores. Even your local dollar store should have them in stock. If you’re not sure if they do or not- ask!
Plastic totes (Rubbermaid for example) are better than cardboard boxes for moving and can be used for storage once you’re in your new place. They come in a variety of sizes and many have small handles on each side for easier carrying. Plus they come in all sorts of nice colors, practically every color of the rainbow!
(smiles) Consider investing in a few.
Whether you pack your stuff in rubber totes, boxes or both, grab your magic marker and jot down what room the contents of each are for. It’s a good idea to make a list of a few items in the boxes so it will jog your memory once you get to your new home.
Making Moving Simpler, Tips on Making the Move
So you’re just about ready for your move, are you? Let’s take a breather for a minute and then take a quick look at a few more things on the moving “to-do” list. Have you taken the breather yet? Okay, good, me too. Now onto that list …
Let’s backtrack a bit. If you’re not the most organized soul in the world consider writing up a “moving timetable” or “moving calendar” for yourself. Plan out everything week by week (or day by day if you prefer) so as to make sure that everything that must get done, DOES indeed get done, and on time.
Now here’s a brilliant suggestion (well, maybe not brilliant, but smart at least!)- scrapes of carpeting that you have lying around are terrific when it comes to moving pieces of furniture such as couches, chairs and big appliances.
It’s a good idea to inform the utility companies (i.e. water, electric, gas, telephone, cable) of the date you will be leaving your old place AND moving into your new one. You have two places to consider don’t forget! And you don’t want to arrive at your new apartment and have no water or electricity! Egad, that’s a renter’s nightmare!
Call around and get a number of different estimates from moving companies, unless of course, a friend is helping you move. It is better to negotiate a flat rate for your moving expenses than to pay by the hour. My experience has taught me that most things take more time than at first anticipated!
Approximately 2-3 weeks (or more) before moving to tell everyone who needs to be told of your change of address. That means your workplace, friends, bills, subscriptions, etc. It can be costly to fill out a form at the post office but it is advisable in case you’ve forgotten anyone, or couldn’t reach someone in time for your move.
Must Read:
On moving day pack a carry-on bag with your essentials such as medications, glasses, toiletries, towels, a book, etc. The TV remote should be thrown in too. Anything you can’t live without the first night should be in that bag.
Make sure all of your valuables and any legal documents you possess go WITH YOU and not the movers. You don’t want anything important to vanish without a trace!
Bring paper plates, cups and plastic silverware with you for your first couple of days. Order takeout food when you first move in to make life easier. Let’s face it you are more than likely overwhelmed enough as it is, why make the situation worse for yourself?
Make sure you have money on hand for the movers. If a friend is helping you move make sure you give him/her something as a token of thanks. For most men, a case of beer is preferable to a few bucks! (smiles) Of course, that only applies to drinkers, for non-drinkers you’re on your own!
If you have pets, try to wait until almost the very end to move them. This is especially important if you have a cat. Some animals get terribly stressed where moving is concerned. Keep your animal’s welfare in mind as you go about the business of moving. If it’s possible for someone to stay with your pets until they are moved into your new apartment, do so.
Aren’t you glad your moving “to-do” list just got a whole lot more organized?
Author Bio
Anika Logan has lived in her share of apartments over the years and has plenty of decorating ideas, not to mention pearls of wisdom to pass on to you. If you have an apartment question/dilemma, look no further-Anika will provide the answers!