Solar energy is an abundant and clean renewable power source that comes from the sun. It’s one of the most sustainable energy sources available and may be one of the safest to collect and produce.
Furthermore, it’s an eco-friendly alternative to the rising demand for fossil fuels and massive greenhouse gas emissions.
Various solar technologies can convert the light from the sun into different forms of energy and provide power to other kinds of equipment. Most people have adapted to this innovation and have used solar panels to furnish their homes with free electricity during the day.
However, it’s crucial to utilize these devices in a way that you can get the most out of them.
To help you with that, here are five tips to get the most out of your solar panels.
1. Be Aware of Efficiency Killers
Since solar panels rely on the light from the sun, it’s essential to place them strategically so that they’ll be able to function efficiently. There are a few factors that you’ll need to consider when placing your devices in a specific location for maximum efficiency, these are:
Experts believe that solar panels that are facing the wrong way can reduce their efficiency. Most of the time, it’s essential to have them face south or west, as these are the best directions that’ll allow for maximum sunlight.
Weather Conditions
It’s one of the significant factors that affect the efficiency of your devices. Weather conditions such as hail and snow hinder the functions of solar panels, but surprisingly enough, they can’t stop the operations completely.
You might want to check on snow panels, as they can melt snow that may be present on top of them. Furthermore, most solar panels are equipped with the ability to withstand hailstones of up to 50+ mph.
The deadliest form of shade comes from nearby infrastructures (vents and chimneys) and tall trees. They block the sun at a certain angle, so it’s advisable to trim trees if they can’t be removed, as it’s impossible to move or cut down chimneys.
It’s better to place everything strategically so that your panels can receive maximum sunlight, which will result in better efficiency.
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2. Conserve Electricity
Solar energy is free and renewable in itself, but the fact that solar panels rely on sunlight may limit your usage. It’s essential to conserve your electricity, as the number of appliances you can use simultaneously depends on the type of system you have installed.
It’s advisable to use one device at a time so that your usage doesn’t overpower your solar panel’s electricity conversion.
You can conserve energy by:
- Cooking dinner before watching television
- Cleaning your clothes before or after taking a shower
- Washing your dishes before using your vacuum cleaner
- Using solar charge controllers that regulate energy flow
3. Collect Power During Daytime
Since solar panels rely on the sun’s light, it’s essential to maximize their usage during the day. Depending on the household, the energy needs vary from time to time. There are some ways to make the best use of your free electricity, which includes:
- Set alarms for devices or appliances that may use the most electricity so that you can turn them off before sunset.
- Charging your phones, laptops, and tablets the whole day, then unplug them at night.
- Installing a compatible battery so that you’ll be able to store your solar power and use it at night
4. Manage Usage Through Apps
Various apps that can track your energy usage are now available, thanks to the innovation of technology. It’s essential to manage how much energy you use during the day, and using these applications will allow you to view your usage hourly and daily.
It also allows you to be aware of how much energy you’re using while using an appliance or device.
5. Clean Them Regularly
It’s essential to clean your solar panels at least twice a year using water and soap. Bird droppings, mold, and dirt may reduce the sunlight that your panels can receive.
It’s also suggested to have it checked by a professional every two years to ensure that it’s properly cleaned and is still functioning correctly.
The Takeaway
Solar energy is a renewable and accessible source of energy. You’ll be able to harness it using solar panels that can convert sunlight into electricity. Using this free energy source also has its downsides since it relies on the existence of sunlight.
You can use these five tips so that you’ll be able to get the most out of your solar panels and ensure that they’ll be able to provide your household with enough electricity throughout the day.