Home Improvement

How to Stabilize a Wobbly Bed Frame?

The cooperation from your bed frame is a must to sleep well at night. But what if the bed frame becomes an obstacle to your sound sleeping?

It doesn’t matter whether your bed frame is old or new. Your bed can start to wobble due to some common reasons. The wobbling of your bed frame can not only ruin your sleep but also makes the frame collapse anytime.

image - How to Stabilize a Wobbly Bed Frame
How to Stabilize a Wobbly Bed Frame

Today, we are telling you how to stabilize a wobbly bed frame. Through our discussion, you can get to know everything to turn your frame into a stable and noise free bed frame.

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Things You Need to Fix Your Bed

To bring back the stability of your bed frame, you don’t need any carpenter or expert. You can do it all by yourself if you know the proper way.

There are many ways you can stop wobbling. We are discussing some common and effective ones today.

But before jumping into the methods, we need you to know what you have to collect to do the job. Here is a list of essentials you need to collect.

  • A wrench
  • A hammer
  • A screwdriver
  • Some pieces of cloths
  • A measuring tape
  • A drilling machine
  • Rubber caps (if needed)

The Way to Stop Wobbling

We have taken advises from some famous furniture shops and experts. We have also done some experiments on shaky beds.

After all these, we have found ways you can truly bring back stability in your bed. Below, we are telling you the whole method step by step in easy words.

Step 1

You have to remove everything from the top of your bed frame to start your work. You can put away the mattress and box spring, and then take the frame to a wide place to do your task well.

Step 2

Now, you need to see whether the floor of your bedroom is even or not. Your frame can wobble due to an uneven surface. If this happens, put something under some of the legs of your frame to let the frame have an even surface.

Step 3

If you find your bedroom’s floor okay, you have to check the legs of your frame. Take a measuring tape and start measuring the length of the legs.

You need to adjust the length if one or two legs are longer or shorter. You can do this by putting some folded cloths under short legs to keep the height of your frame the same in every place.

Step 4

You can make the bottom of the legs capped to bring some more stability. You can find quality rubber caps in the market. Buy any set and try to see whether your frame becomes more stable or not.

Step 5

Use the measuring tape again to know the straightness of slats, side rails, and support rail. If they have bent a bit, you can have an unsteady bed.

In this case, you have to spend some bucks to gets some straight rails or slats. But if the slats or rails are made of steel, you can fix them by hammering to get the actual shape.

Step 6

Check all the joints, bolts, and brackets of the frame. You can tighten them using a strong wrench and a hammer.

If you see the brackets are unstable, then you have to place them in other spots. You can put the old bracket on one inch below or top of the old position.

Use a drilling machine to make new holes, and screw the bracket tightly on the new place. You can also buy some new bolts to make the joints stronger. Remember, stronger joints make less movement.

Step 7

The placement of slats is an important fact. You have to check this matter to make sure the frame is ready to perform.

If you find the old slats not giving the necessary support to your mattress or box spring, then you can consider this matter as a reason behind wobbling.

Remove all slats and put them again in an organized way to make the frame behave supportive enough.


The perfect bed is the best medicine for having sound sleep. You need to make your bed perfect if it has some flaws.

Sometimes, your bed can behave unfriendly if you put some extra pressure. For example, if your frame takes more weight than its capacity, it can stop performing well.

Moreover, the wrong combination of the mattress and frame leads to a not so well bed. So, you need to be a bit clever while picking a frame. You also need to be patient when you are about to fix your bad bed frame.

Published by
Perla Irish