
How to Choose a Mattress, A Detailed Guide

Mattresses last for years. However, when there is a need to buy a new one, many people are clueless about choosing a mattress.

Your old one might have given you a fantastic sleeping experience, and you want the same kind of feel and firmness. But if you feel like exploring other options, you have to consider two significant factors.

When you pick a mattress, consider what kind of sleeper you are. Also, carefully weigh the qualities of the mattresses that are available in the market today.

image - How to Choose a Mattress, A Detailed Guide
How to Choose a Mattress, A Detailed Guide

These two factors will help you narrow down your options to find the ideal mattress. Generally, some beds are made for specific types of sleepers; thus, preference is subjective.

You may also check out various mattress types and brands from a physical store before you purchase online.

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What Type of Sleeper Are You?

One of the factors for choosing a mattress is the type of sleeping position you have. Different sleeping positions will require different support.

The ideal bed for you will depend on whether you sleep on your side, stomach, back, or if you are a combination sleeper.

Those who sleep on their stomachs or backs need firmer mattresses, while side sleepers will do best with softer ones.

In the case of heavier sleepers, firmer mattresses work best for them since they experience more sinkage with softer ones. Lighter sleepers, on the other hand, often go for softer mattresses.

If you prefer a different bed than those suggested for your weight or sleeping style, make sure that it gives you adequate support to prevent issues with your pressure points.

Are You a Hot or Cool Sleeper?

Different materials will have a different feel when you sleep on them. Some mattresses tend to sleep warmer than others.

For instance, less firm and conforming mattresses trap more heat and allow limited airflow than firmer options. Additionally, the materials may also retain heat, such as foam mattresses.

For sleepers who like to sleep cool, you can consider getting a hybrid type or one with innerspring for better air circulation and comfortable sleeping experience.

Qualities of Mattress to Consider

When choosing a mattress, the second consideration is the qualities of the bed you will get. To help you out, here are some details to think about:

  • Mattress Material

There are several materials used for making mattresses, but the most common ones in the market are the following:

Innerspring – this mattress type has steel coils that support a polyfoam comfort layer.

Foam – some mattresses use pure polyfoam, while others provide a combination of memory foam and supportive polyfoam materials.

Latex – this kind of mattress uses latex or high-density polyfoam as a support core. It can have either a natural or synthetic latex layer for comfort.

Hybrid – this mattress typically has more than two inches of memory or latex foam as a comfort layer and pocket coils for support.

Airbed – this type of bed is typically inflated or deflated to achieve the desired firmness.

  • Mattress Size

Another consideration for choosing a mattress is the size. Most come in six sizes, namely – Twin, Twin XL, Double, Queen, King, and California King. Some brands also have additional sizes like Short Queen and Full XL.

There are also “split” type Queen, King, and California King beds. These are two separate mattresses that you can join or use separately.

  • Firmness Level

You can choose a firmness for your mattress based on the sleeping position and weight. Side-sleepers prefer softer mattresses, while those who sleep on their stomach and back like the medium-firm or firm type.

Additionally, heavy-weight sleepers may need firmer beds to avoid sinkage, while lighter sleepers are better with softer mattresses.

  • Thickness

Mattresses are made with different materials, and depending on what is used, a mattress can be at least 10 to 15 inches thick. Your weight may also affect your mattress thickness choices as heavier sleepers feel more comfortable with thicker beds.

Mattresses vary widely to accommodate the different types of sleepers and their preferences. It can be challenging to set out and choose one without considering the two essential factors – the kind of sleeper you are and the quality of mattresses available to you.

Once you decide on these two points, you will have an easier time picking out the most suitable one.

Published by
Perla Irish