Home Improvement

Home Improvement Concepts from Your Favorite Horror Movies

When you think of “home improvement tips,” you probably don’t usually turn to horror movies.

However, horror movies can actually give you some great home improvement tips, usually by showing you what not to do.

They typically set the stage by having characters make some bad decisions, and that’s where you can learn what you should do instead.

Take a look at this list of horror movies with terrifying basements, then consider the home improvement tips they might be able to teach you.

Scariest Basements and Crawl Spaces in Movies & TV
Scariest Basements and Crawl Spaces in Movies & TV Created By OhioBasementAuthority

Read Also:

The Exorcist: Clean Out Your Basement

The Exorcist is a terrifying story about a 12-year-old girl named Regan who becomes possessed by a demon.

There are many horrifying things that occur during this possession, but the way it starts is relatively subdued. She finds an Ouija board in her basement that she uses to communicate with the demon.

If the family had cleaned out their basement before this, maybe the events of The Exorcist wouldn’t have happened.

Get Out: Exteriors Can Be Deceiving

The concept of “appearances can be deceiving” is an important part of the movie Get Out. In fact, the director, Jordan Peele, intentionally cast people who would look more sympathetic to audiences as the eventual villains in the movie.

Although the exterior of the home looks beautiful and seemingly “perfect,” the interior is horrifying and filled with people trying to kill the main character.

Keep this in mind as you improve your home: the interior should be just as beautiful as the exterior.

The Amityville Horror: Always Do Your Own Inspection

Doing your own inspection should be an important part of buying a new home, which is a lesson the main family in The Amityville Horror learned a little too late.

This movie, which purports to be based on a true story, follows a family who goes through a paranormal experience in their new home.

There are many reasons to be skeptical of that claim, but one thing you can very clearly see is that this family should have inspected the home before moving in.

A Quiet Place: Be Prepared for Accidents

Accidents happen, and you need to be prepared. In the case of A Quiet Place, this accident was life-threatening. In a world full of creatures who hunt by sound, a soundproof basement is a necessity.

However, the family’s soundproof basement was threatened by an accident where a pipe burst, starting to fill the basement with water.

What will you do if you end up with a similar accident in your basement?

The Grudge: Install Basement Lighting

One of the scariest moments in the Grudge remake happens in the basement. During this scene, Muldoon enters the basement with only a flashlight as a source of light.

The dim lighting, combined with the tenseness of the scene in context, makes it a truly horrifying moment.

If Muldoon had installed basement lighting, especially very bright basement lighting, she wouldn’t have had to use a flashlight; she could have just turned on the lights to see everything happening in the basement.


It’s true that you probably shouldn’t be looking to horror movies as your only source of home improvement inspiration.

However, horror movies can be a good place to go if you want to see what you shouldn’t do.

More often than not, the horrifying things that happen in these movies happen because someone made a bad choice.

Home improvement should never be your second choice. Think about it: do you want to end up like one of these horror movie protagonists? If not, you should probably invest in making sure your home is as safe and secure as possible.

Published by
Perla Irish