Nowadays, more people have become highly concerned about appropriate vaccine management due to the talks about the valuable COVID-19 vaccines.
Therefore, everyone must expect the vials of vaccines stored in vaccine fridges and handled properly to ensure their efficacy since the world is counting on it to fight the invisible enemy that has been affecting the lives of everyone globally.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been hitting the world hard since its first case was detected in late 2019. Governments worldwide are forced to stop the normal way of life and implement lockdowns to halt the spread of the virus.
But despite all the efforts, over 215 million people had been infected globally, 4.48 million of which died due to the dreaded virus. Experts believe that the only way to contain it is through vaccination, which is why national leaders and healthcare experts request their people to get vaccinated.
Learning the recommended vaccine management standards will help ensure that the vaccine will do its job and help curb the spread of the virus.
Ideal Vaccine Storage
The health authorities in Australia released guidelines for the proper storage of vaccines in the country. These protocols are similar to the ones used all over the world.
According to the National Vaccine Storage Guidelines, vaccines must use a “cold chain” system in transporting and keeping vaccines within the recommended safe temperature range between +2°C up to +8°C. The system starts from the moment the vaccines are manufactured.
It will continue until its transportation to the vaccine distribution centers or the immunization clinics in various states and territories and conclude as soon as the vaccine is administered to individuals.
All vaccine fridges must provide the right temperature for the safekeeping of the vaccine vials. Vaccines are highly delicate substances that may lose efficacy if they become frozen, get too warm, or are exposed to direct light sources.
It is the reason why investing in high-quality vaccine refrigeration is a must for storing valuable vaccines like the ones used for COVID-19.
Aside from getting the right vaccine temperature, it is also necessary to record the vaccine fridge temperature twice a day so the people handling these items can immediately report any unwanted changes in the temperature to the vaccine manufacturer or the local health authorities.
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Proper Vaccine Handling Protocols
The authorities also have a set of guidelines to use once the vaccine is taken out of its storage facility. It includes:
- Ensuring all the portable vaccine containers are properly shut all the time
- Utilizing frozen water bottles or gel packs when transporting vaccines outside the vaccination center
- Investing in motorized portable vaccine fridges to use as vaccine storage when taking the vials outdoors
- Checking the vaccine temperatures off-site with the use of a calibrated thermometer
- Placing the vaccines in the passenger cabin instead of the trunk when transporting the vaccine
It is also important to rotate the vaccine supplies to prevent the expiration of precious vaccines like the one used for COVID-19. It is also necessary to avoid administering expired vaccines.
Storing vaccination vials at recommended temperatures could help maintain its effectiveness and allow it to do its intended purpose. It can also help avoid the risk of bacterial growth in every vial.
Following the recommended vaccine protocols can help prevent the widespread increase of COVID-19 cases and other vaccine-preventable illnesses worldwide.
Author Bio:
Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.