What is a home without something living in it? Often, people are too afraid to have plants in their houses.
Sure, it’s a lot of responsibility to maintain a living thing. Not letting it die can be a challenge sometimes. Though, it is not as difficult as many may think.
You just need to know what plants to buy and how to take care of them. Most plants have personalities, just as people do.
Hence, you need to know them a bit better to learn about their needs and preferences. The acquaintance may take a while, but it will be worth it in the end.
To begin, here is the list of the best plants to grow at home. They are very chill. You should get along just fine.
As a newbie indoor gardener, you should definitely consider starting with a dracaena plant. This is the classical plant to have in your home.
It’s super easy to maintain. It’s always healthy. The plant doesn’t require much water yet doesn’t let the soil get soggy for too long.
This plant has a strong, tree-like stem and can grow up to three meters (10 feet) long! Basically, it looks like a palm that you can easily grow in your own home.
If gardening happens to become a good hobby of yours, your dracaena will turn into one of your pearls. It will take a few years to grow tall.
Meanwhile, you’ll get to practice your gardening skills. Who knows, maybe later, you will even plant it outside, in your more advanced outdoor garden. It will be a perfect reminder of how far you have come.
Snake Plants
Snake plants come from a large family of various species. They do share a few similarities, though. All of them are super easy to plant and maintain. So, as a newbie, these plants are the way to go.
First, these plants will look rather different. Thus, they create a more interesting style in your house.
Yet, they have the same requirements in the care routine. Obviously, it will be much easier for you to maintain them.
Secondly, all snake plants look really cool. Like, do you know that bamboo can be a home snake plant? It’s really easy to plant, grows very fast, and can be an interesting design element.
Finally, these plants can filter out your air, getting rid of all unwelcoming elements. You can even contact professionals from paymetodoyourhomework to learn more about these particular snake plants’ qualities.
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Aloe Vera
If you prefer natural care products, you know about the wide popularity of aloe vera in the industry. This plant can do wonders for your skin.
That is why it’s a common component in cosmetics. However, what you probably don’t know is that aloe vera also makes a perfect home plant. It is super easy to maintain and requires minimum effort from your side.
In return, it is ready to help you out with your skin routine. That’s right. You can use small pieces of it, as long as you cut them right and help your plant heal.
Their juice is famous for its anti-inflammatory qualities. If you are interested in learning more about its qualities, ask essay shark assessment writers for a paper on it. They won’t refuse.
As for the rest of it, aloe vera needs very little water and doesn’t need frequent ground or pot replacement.
For all the patient ones, we can also recommend growing avocados at home. We admit that you need to be a bit more advanced gardener for this plant.
Yet, it is still super easy to grow at home. Also, keep in mind that your avocado tree is very unlikely to give any crops. Yet, it is fun to grow it, and it will look awesome in the pot.
So, first thing, you need an avocado pit. The easiest way to get it is by buying an avocado from a store and keeping a pit.
Peel the skin off and keep it slightly above the water for a few days. Once you see the sprouts coming from that pit, you are good to go. Put it in soil, water it, and wait. Be ready to wait for a good while, though.
Your avocado tree will take time to become something more than an odd-looking stick above the ground.
Those who don’t want to wait and enjoy home avocado fruits may choose the easier way. You can simply buy a dwarf avocado plant that is capable of yielding fruits.
You have to use both sand and potting mix to plant your tree. Make sure to prune your tree regularly to let it grow taller and stronger. Water it often, yet prevent any sogginess around the roots.