We all have to do our diligence in stopping the spread of COVID-19.
Although we have been provided with some stay at home rules, we can still follow easy procedures to kick against the spread of the coronavirus in our immediate environment.
As you continue to read on, you are going to learn about helpful ways on how to keep COVID-19 from entering your home, some few tips and suggestions on how to keep your family safe from COVID-19, and lastly, the ways you can stop the spread of the virus in your home.
The link here https://maidtoplease.com/ashburn-va.html has more information about using a professional cleaning service to keep your home free from infectious diseases.
How to Keep COVID-19 From Entering Your Home
Before figuring out how to prevent the spread of the coronavirus at home, it is best to learn how to keep the virus away from your home.
Below are some few tips and suggestions on how you can remain safe and healthy:
1. Try to Limit Close Contact with People
You must limit the time you spend in public and the time you spend with friends and outsiders. Stay home and use home delivery for your grocery needs to avoid shopping out for your groceries.
For your medical needs, you can order prescriptions through a mail-order pharmacy if you can. If you can’t, then you can talk to your doctors or health providers to find out the best options for you. If you have to go outside, ensure to stay at least 6 feet away from people.
Whenever you go out, assume that everyone around is a potential threat to your health, because it has been discovered that even people who do not possess the symptoms of COVID-19 may be infected with it and maybe capable of spreading the virus.
2. Make Sure to Cover Your Nose and Mouth
Every person over the age of two needs to wear a face mask whenever they go out. Note that whenever you have your mask on, and you discover that light rays are coming through it, it means the weave is too thin and should be replaced.
If you need help on making a proper face mask or how one should look, ensure reading on tips on making face coverings from reliable sources or the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
3. Avoid Touching Your Face or Common Surfaces Whenever You’re in Public
It is essential that when you go out to public places, you avoid touching common surfaces like door handles, railings, shopping carts, gas pumps, etc. These surfaces may be covered with the covid19 virus or many other germs that harm your health.
Avoid touching your face because infections can enter your body through the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Tips on How to Keep the Home Safe from COVID-19
To make sure your home remains safe and utterly free from the coronavirus whenever you come back from public places, you can start by trying the safety tips below.
Here there are:
- Take off your shoes and keep them safe from human exposure, preferably outside your house.
- Wash your hands thoroughly for about 15-20 seconds before contacting anyone else in your house.
If you can’t get quick access to soap and water, you should use a hand sanitizer with at least 50% alcohol in it. You can check here on choosing the best hand sanitizers.
- Make sure to properly disinfect and clean any item that you bring into your home. Things like cellphone equipment, groceries, or any packages of any sought.
While it hasn’t been confirmed the actual length for which the COVID-19 virus lasts on surfaces, experts believe that it takes hours or days before the virus can altogether remove from any surface.
Any local or homemade disinfectant can help you eliminate the virus from any surface.
- Properly disinfect and clean any surfaces that you and your fellow household members frequently contact in the home.
Such as light switches, doorknobs, telephones, keyboards, staircase railings, remote controls, etc. Make sure to clean dirty surfaces with soap and water before disinfecting them.
How to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 at Home?
Anyone who has been exposed to the coronavirus should completely isolate themselves from people and self-quarantine. People can now be infected with the virus without showing any symptoms.
Due to precautionary measures, many doctors, hospital workers, EMTs, and healthcare providers have chosen to self-quarantine to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
So, this may mean you may experience challenges getting prompt medical attention, but you can always get medical advice by calling the emergency COVID-19 response numbers for your county or region.
If someone in your home is exposed to COVID-19, you must take the following steps to stop the spread:
- Give a designated room and bathroom to the person and only be used by the individual throughout quarantine.
- Try as much to stop visitors from visiting your home.
- Avoid sharing glasses, cups, plates, and other utensils with the person. Also, wash your kitchen utensil properly with warm water before and after use.
This website link https://www.seriouseats.com/2020/04/how-to-sanitize-kitchen-coronavirus.html has tips on how to keep cookware sterile.
- Try as much as you can to observe the health of everyone in your home closely. Each person should continuously contact their doctors or health care providers to check on their health status.
Remember, some of the symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
Professional Advice
Anyone who is sick should remain home and try to avoid contact with other healthy people and follow their doctors or healthcare provider’s recommendations.
If a person’s sickness becomes worse, the doctor should be contacted immediately. Inform the doctors about the person’s symptoms and let the doctor know if he/she has been tested for the coronavirus.
If the person needs to check with a physician, they should be provided with a face mask or face covering. Also, he/she should be provided with tissue for when they need to sneeze or cough.