A dirty home can be the most stressful thing for some people. For others, not so much.
However, we can all agree that a person’s home is an extension of one’s self. It could say a lot about the person or people living in it.

You don’t want your home to be screaming to your visitors that you’re a person who doesn’t know any basic house chore.
Here maybe some of the reasons why your house is dirty all the time.
1. Bad Habits
Bad habits can slowly turn your home into a nightmare.
These bad habits could be leaving things where they’re not supposed to be, not automatically washing just a single piece of glass after use, or convincing yourself you’d do a task later on and then end up procrastinating even though it’s just a simple task.
These bad habits can pile up and turn some into much harder chores because you’ve prolonged it for so long when they weren’t even supposed to in the first place.
Even if you’re someone who cleans a lot, if you don’t get rid of your bad habits, your constant cleaning would be for nothing.
2. Your Stuff Do Not Have Homes
Clutter is one of the major culprits that make your space look untidy and literally all over the place.
One of the reasons why you have so much clutter is because your possessions do not have their own place in your home.
Even accessories and expensive statement piece decorations can turn into clutter if not properly arranged and organized.
The lack of shelves, cabinets, containers, and even baskets may be the cause of it.
Read Also:
- Developing Good Habits and Keeping an Eye on What Goes Into the Drain Can Reduce Incidents of Blocked Drains
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- Secrets to Hiring A Good House Cleaning Service
3. Kids and Pets
As much as you clean your home, a house with kids and/or pets is bound to be always messy.
Kids can be tough to deal with, especially when it involves mess and dirt. For us adults, the drawings on the walls, scattered toys, spilt milk, and so on, are completely sore eyes.
But kids will be kids. Some even see these as their creative artworks rather than a complete mess.
The same can be said with our four-legged friends, especially if your pets are huge and playful.
However, these cannot really be avoided and we just have to be understanding and patient.
How to Solve This Problem?
To give a solution to these problems, here’s a couple of ideas that you can try and keep in mind.
1. Cleaning Services
If you’re someone who’s seriously busy, you might be spending your weekends either still working, or sleeping like you’ve been deprived of it your whole life.
However, this also means that you don’t get the chance of doing other things outside your job, including cleaning.
It is already proven that a messy space can cause and add to stress, and you don’t need more of that.
Being too busy, you might be living in a city such as Denver, CO. While it has its perks, living in a city also has its downsides.
Because homes are close to the busy streets with fumes let out by vehicles, dust and dirt are bound to easily get in and collect in your home.
If you have the budget, a great option would be getting yourself some cleaning services.
Consider booking a clean from Denver cleaning services to aid you in maintaining your home’s cleanliness.
You don’t have to do anything, but get your well-deserved rest as your home is being cleaned for you.
2. The 5-minute Rule
Here’s a pretty simple tip called the 5-minute Rule. If you can do it within 5-minutes, then do it already.
It doesn’t take up too much of your time and you can get it out of your way easily. Plus, if you can do it in a short amount of time, it’s probably an easy task to do.
You can do at least a couple of 5-minute tasks whenever you want within the day. This way, you get to lessen the number of tasks and chores you need to get done without really breaking too much sweat.
3. List Down
People often get overwhelmed with the number of house chores that they do not even know where to start.
It’s too stressful for them to even think about it. They’re faced with too much mess that they end up not doing any of them at all.
To address this problem, you can try listing down the things you need to do.
From the easiest task to the hardest one, jot them down. You can group tasks that involve the same area or the same cleaning equipment to make things easier for you.
Try being creative with it to make it much more enjoyable rather than being a major dread.
4. Schedule
In addition to listing down the tasks that needed to be done, you can set schedules so that it won’t interfere with your work and other much more important matters.
For instance, you can try scheduling a specific chore in weekend mornings, such as laundry, so that you’ll have the rest of the day free to rest or do something else, and clothes don’t end up piling up.
This can also help you get ready for what materials, products, and equipment you’ll be needing on your next set of chores.
You might’ve run out of cleaning agents needed for a specific upcoming chore. With this in mind, you can stop by your local convenience store to get some on your way to work or back home.
This can help save time and you won’t be bothered on the day of cleaning.
5. Take Turns
If you’re living with someone or with your family, you should take turns in doing the house chores.
You’re not the only one using the space, so it’s only right that all of you get to do their fair share of cleaning and tidying up the house.
Make up a sequence of intervals between family members so that everyone has their designated days and time.
Create a schedule so that it doesn’t intervene with their own schedules.
If there are kids in the house, it’s a great idea to use house chores as a way of bonding with them along with teaching them how to properly do a task.
Don’t use it as a punishment for inappropriate behaviour or for messing up space.
If you do, they might end up seeing house chores as a punishment and affect their perception as regards cleanliness when they grow up.
Devise a creative way of making the cleaning process enjoyable and fun for the kids so that they won’t see it as something unpleasant.
This will encourage them to do the same tasks in the future with their own initiative, without having to be told so.
Through this, you’ll be able to establish good cleaning habits within them.
Hygiene isn’t only applied to one’s own body, but to our homes as well. If we do not take care of our homes, our bodies will be affected.
Take care of your home like how you would want your own body to be taken care of.
Your home should be your sanctuary. It should bring you peace and not be another source of stress.