What are the most common plumbing problems that homeowners deal with? The truth is, there are too many to list.
However, some of them include clogs in drains and showers, leaks from toilets, and water pressure problems, broken running toilets or dripping tap, all the way up to a major plumbing system leak or backup that can be the cause of severe structural damage to property.
In fact, even some of the smallest plumbing problems can turn out to be much bigger problems in the long run. Here are some common plumbing issues that many people have, which often go ignored and subsequently become bigger problems.

Toilet Doesn’t Flus Correctly
One of the most common plumbing issues is a running toilet that doesn’t flush correctly. For example, if you notice that the toilet isn’t spraying anymore when you put water in it or if the bowl of the running toilet gets dirty and clogs up, chances are that there is a clog somewhere inside.
A clog in the toilet often indicates that there is a more serious problem elsewhere in the toilet (like a leaking pipe) or in the sewer system itself. The resulting major plumbing issue will likely require a plumber’s help since pipes can be very delicate.
Leaky Plumbing Supply Line
Another one of the more common plumbing issues is a leaky plumbing supply line, also known as a cold spot.
A cold spot is usually a temporary shortage of water in one area due to overloading from a supply line that was previously overloaded; for example, if a burst pipe was repaired but the supply lines still aren’t meeting demand, then overloading will occur again unless the supply lines are repaired soon after the problem occurs.
Cracks and leaks in the supply lines are a sign of more problematic underlying foundation problems, so it’s important to address these first and fix any problems that arise.
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Leaky Water Tank
The next most common plumbing issue is the presence of grease buildup behind the hot water tank. If you are noticing black stains on your walls or floors as well as water dripping from a faucet, you probably have a leaky tank.
This is a pretty easy fix, but one that requires a professional plumber to do so. Since this often indicates a problem with the tank behind it, a drain cleaning professional should also be called out for this one. In order to fix a leaking hot water tank, a new tank must be installed and water checked.
Failed Joints in Plumbing
The next plumbing issue involves faucets and bathroom fixtures. Whether you have copper pipes, cast iron pipes, or some other type of plumbing material, there is a good chance that you have joints that are about to fail, leaks, or cracked pipes.
These are some of the most difficult repairs to do on your own, so it would be wise to contact a professional plumber to do the work for you. Leaks in bathroom fixtures are usually easy to detect because the liquid will appear to run down the pipe, but cracks are often hard to spot until it is too late.
If you have noticed small holes around faucets or around the edges of tubs and showers, you may have noticed rusted joints in these areas as well.
Small cracks are nothing to worry about, but large holes can indicate leaks in the plumbing system. To fix these, you need to find the source of the leak and then fix it.
There are a number of different ways you can try to do this, including using a flashlight to inspect the area, filling the hole with some filler material, or using some sort of pipe repair tool.
The latter two options work very well, but the first can sometimes lead to bigger problems that are more difficult to fix.
Old Plumbing Pipelines Problem
Probably one of the most common issues with plumbing involves leaks in the toilets. These often occur after the toilet has been used for quite some time, and they often affect the inside of the toilet.
They typically appear in places where there are larger diameter pipes. Common causes include old plumbing lines, tree roots, or similar things.
To keep from having toilet issues pop up in the future, make sure your toilet is properly maintained by getting it checked periodically by a professional.
Finally, leaks in the hot water pipes can be more expensive to fix than any of the other plumbing issues we’ve discussed here. To start with, they involve large amounts of water, which increases the risk of damaging your home’s foundation or walls.
Secondly, repairs usually require high-pressure hot water systems and plumbing work, which can cost a lot more than repairs for smaller pipes.
If you have any of these plumbing problems, don’t worry! We’ve shared some tips for how to fix them on your own. For more information about our services, click here.