Choosing carpets as your flooring material requires a significant amount of investment, particularly if you opt for wall-to-wall carpeting.
However, your investment will be worth it since you’ll have comfy rooms that look luxurious and bigger. Your carpeted spaces will benefit from the sound reduction and better insulation as well.
And like your other home investments, you need to take care of your carpets to maintain their good condition and plush appearance, so they can continue to elevate the look of your home. This involves following the right steps and habits for cleaning your carpets.
According to the best carpet cleaners, cleaning your carpeting regularly helps to maintain its look and quality and extend its lifespan. It also protects your and your family’s health since keeping your carpets clean ensures they are free from dust, dander, pollen, mold, and dust mites substances that can cause allergies and other health issues.
With the dirt gone from your carpets, you improve indoor air quality, allowing you and your family to breathe safer, healthier air inside your home.
Cleaning Habits That are Doing More Harm Than Good to Your Carpets
Although cleaning your carpets regularly is a must to maintain their good condition and keep a healthy home, you might be employing certain steps and techniques that can end up damaging your floor covering.
Below are some of the carpet cleaning habits you might be doing that you need to stop since they can ruin your flooring:
1. Not Vacuuming Regularly
The vacuum is the most important cleaning equipment you need for your carpeted floors. And once you have one, you need to use it regularly to clean your carpet. This means vacuuming your floor at least once a week. Do this more frequently if you have pets.
When you bring out the vacuum only when the dirt and debris become too noticeable, you are ruining your carpeting. Keep in mind that both visible and indiscernible dirt, dust, oil, and liquid are deposited on carpets daily.
These substances accumulate on the fibers, making your floor covering dirty, unhealthy, matted, and looking worn. If you don’t vacuum regularly, you let these particles collect on your carpet, making them harder to remove.
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2. Using the Wrong Carpet Cleaning Products
Home improvement and DIY stores are full of various cleaning products, many of which are branded as all-purpose. Unfortunately, not all these products, including stain removers, are safe for carpets and rugs in your home. They may contain strong chemicals that can damage delicate floor-covering fibers.
To avoid ruining your carpets, read the label of the cleaning product you want to buy carefully first. Skip it if it contains chemicals with low pH (such as hydrochloric acid) since they are acidic and can affect the carpet fibers and dyes.
Avoid products with optical brighteners as well, since these can affect the long-term appearance of the carpets, usually causing them to turn yellow. Also, before buying a cleaning product, make sure you know the type of carpet you have. If your carpeting has natural fibers, choose one that’s suitable and safe for them.
3. Not Doing a Spot Test Before Using a New Cleaning Product
Even if you have researched a carpet cleaning product you want to try for the first time, don’t make the mistake of not testing it before using it. Failing to do so can cause you to discolor or damage the carpet fibers.
Before using a new cleaning solution, test it according to the directions on the label. Apply it to a small area of your bedroom or living room carpet hidden under the sofa, table, rug, or behind a door.
Wait for a few hours to see if the product causes any discoloration or damage before using it to clean the whole carpet.
4. Scrubbing your Carpets Too Much
If you’re scrubbing your carpets too vigorously when spot-cleaning or giving them a thorough cleaning, put a stop to this habit.
When you scrub your carpets briskly, you push the stain molecules and other debris you can’t remove deeper into the carpet fibers and, possibly, into the base. Because of this, your carpets will end up looking worn faster.
Additionally, when you vigorously rub your carpets often, you could damage the carpet fibers. You might end up twisting the carpet fibers, which can cause them to fray. If you want to get rid of stains or marks without damaging your carpets, use a cloth or sponge and rub gently to remove them.
5. Getting your Carpets Too Wet
Whether you’re wetting your carpets excessively on purpose or not when cleaning them, stop this habit.
Wetting your carpets excessively can cause water to make its way to their underlay. This part may never dry completely, which can trigger the start of mold and mildew growth and rot. It can cause your carpet to develop an unpleasant odor too.
Additionally, getting the carpet fibers excessively wet frequently can lead to discoloration and other damage. To avoid this mistake, use a wrung-out, damp cloth or sponge to clean your carpets. If the carpet is too wet, blot the area dry with a towel or paper towel.
6. Overusing Carpet Deodorizers
Carpet deodorizers neutralize unpleasant odors in the carpet fibers. They come in different forms, but most homeowners prefer and use powders and sprays. Clean carpets do not usually require a deodorizer. However, if you have a pet, you might need to use one to remove the smell of urine.
If you need a deodorizer, use it sparingly. Using too many deodorizing powders can lead to a slimy build-up over time on your carpet, especially if your vacuum can’t remove the residuals thoroughly.
Even if you prefer to use a spray, apply it sparingly, since overusing it can leave your carpets looking dull and worn. Look for a non-toxic neutralizer to ensure you are using a safe product in your home.
If you want to have spotless carpets all the time, make it a habit to have them deep-cleaned once a year. Professional cleaning service providers have the right tools and equipment and safe, good-quality cleaning products to extend the longevity of your carpets. Moreover, their services can make your carpets look brand new and keep them healthy and safe features to have at home.