The phrase quality of life changes depending on the context it is used.
for humans, our quality of life is based on our health and happiness, and there are many different factors that can affect this. When it comes to your garden, the quality of life usually refers to its safety and cleanliness. Although, there are ways to blur these lines.
Many people find solace in their gardens so, in a way, it can improve your own quality of life. Not sure how this works? Read on to find out ways to improve the quality of life in your garden that can benefit you as an individual.
Even Out the Ground
Humans are fickle creatures, and you may notice that there are small occurrences that make you feel uncomfortable for no discernible reason. One example of this is uneven ground. Our ancestors were forced to avoid this type of surface because of the dangers it posed.
Remember, health care was far less successful in the hunter-gatherer days. As such, our brains are wired to feel uneasy around outdoor spaces that aren’t flat. Your mind will compensate for the change in texture, but your body may still produce stress hormones.
Do your best to level your garden, and you will find that it is much easier to relax in this space. Also, a flat garden is much more aesthetically pleasing.
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Vary Your Plants
Arranging the plants in your garden gives you something to do on the weekend and adds some much-needed color to your garden. However, different plants will offer your garden a variety of benefits, so be careful about which plants you choose to include.
For example, thyme is known to repel wasps. This means that you can sit in your garden without worrying about being bothered by these pests. Also, lavender produces a scent that is proven to relieve stress. Make sure you do your research, and you can create a garden full of life that also works in harmony to give you the best life possible.
Don’t Forget Trees
A garden tree is another type of plant that can offer you so much more than just decoration. While a tree may look cumbersome and block some of the light, it is also working hard to perform necessary duties without you noticing.
Firstly, a tree can work as great flood defense. Its mighty roots absorb any excess water in your garden, protecting your home and lawn from adverse weather conditions. Secondly, these roots also work to improve the soil in the immediate area.
Harsh winds can blow away important nutrients in the soil, and these roots act as a barrier, so your other plants get everything they need to thrive. If that wasn’t enough, trees provide a nice area of shade in the summertime. arrange your garden correctly, and you never have to move the party indoors when the sun gets too strong.
Have Access to Food
Food acts as much more than fuel in the human body. Eating provides you with a link to feeling relaxed, and you don’t want to keep going in and out of the house when you are entertaining. Therefore, it is important to make sure you have a way to cook food in your garden.
You can take several approaches when setting up an eatery in your garden. you can opt for a standard barbecue or try something unique like a wood-fired pizza oven. In fact, the Ooni Karu model is often a perfect fit as it doesn’t take up too much space. Whatever method you choose, don’t neglect your stomach, and stay well-fed during summertime.
Encourage Nature
Life is stressful for us humans. Fortunately, the other species that populate this planet do not have the same worries as we do, which means they are the perfect source for some much-needed perspective.
Watching wildlife go about its natural business is enough to reduce stress and reshape your worldview, so try and encourage this wildlife to enter your garden where you can see it.
A birdbath or seed dispenser is enough to draw the local birds to your doorstep, but there is more life out there than you realize. A wild patch of grass can attract a variety of insects that will pollinate your garden, and a bat box can encourage this endangered species to take refuge in your home. The planet is meant to be shared by all its inhabitants, so try not to lose sight of this when you are designing your garden area.
As you can see, there are several ways you can design your garden to improve your quality of life. Nature provides us with a concept of balance, something that is necessary during stressful times. Look after your garden properly, and it will look after you in turn.