Home Improvement

How Can You Improve Your Home With Antique Furniture and Clocks?

Whether you are looking to completely remodel your home, or you are simply thinking about making a few changes, using antiques instead of their modern counterparts can prove to be a very rewarding decision.

Could using antique furniture and clocks be more expensive? It depends, if you decide to invest in very pricey items, it could be, but it doesn’t have to be.

image - How Can You Improve Your Home With Antique Furniture And Clocks
How Can You Improve Your Home With Antique Furniture And Clocks

You might be surprised to learn that you can probably find high-quality antiques in good condition that are comparably priced to modern furniture and clocks.  It’s all a matter of looking for what you want and sticking to your budget.

Antiques Hold Their Value

One of the most common concerns with buying antique furniture and clocks for your home is that it will be too expensive.  You could end up spending more than you planned to if you find pieces that you fall in love with and feel are perfect for your home.

This doesn’t have to happen, but it happens to a surprising number of people that end up increasing their budgets to accommodate their tastes.

While expenses are a valid concern, don’t forget the one huge advantage that antiques have over their modern counterparts, they tend to hold their value.  Now, if you buy an antique table and beat it up, it’s not going to hold its value.

Or, if you buy an antique couch and have kids that are climbing and jumping on it all day, it’s also probably not going to hold its value.  But, if you take care of the things that you buy then they should hold their value and may even increase in value over time.

On the other hand, when you buy brand-new furniture and clocks, they very rarely hold their value.  If someone wants a designer couch why would they pay you as much as they would for a brand-new one? The answer is simple, they wouldn’t.

They’d go to the store and buy a new one instead of buying yours, even if it was well cared for.  Antiques are not sunk costs; they will add both beauty and value to your home.

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Antiques Give You a Chance to Express Yourself

When thinking about decorating your home you need to recognize that expressing yourself is important.  You don’t want a home full of generic items.  A home like that has no life, no warmth, and it may never feel like real to you.

Your home should be the place in the world where you feel most comfortable.  You accomplish this not by filling it with generic things that seem to match what all of your friends and family have.

You accomplish it by filling it with items that express your personality and make you feel at home.  Doing this with modern items is possible, it’s much easier to add a personal touch when you buy unique, antique clocks and furniture.

When choosing antique furniture and clocks for your home you need to take your time for a number of reasons.  First, you want to make sure you’re getting good value for your money.  While antiques will often hold their value, this won’t be the case if you spend too much on what you are buying.

You work hard for your money, so do your homework and shop around before committing to buying anything.  Now, if you come across a piece you must have, you might want to act more quickly since antiques tend to be unique, one-of-a-kind items.  But, for most of what you are buying, you should take your time and shop around.

The next reason to use care when shopping is to ensure you get things that suit your personality.  Remember, the goal is to personalize your home, you don’t want to fill it with random things that you don’t express who you are.

You also want to try to keep a consistent theme.  You can opt for different themes in different rooms, but you shouldn’t mix and match items that don’t go together in the same room.  This can create a sense of disorganization and make your home feel less welcoming and harmonious.

Antiques Will Make Your Home Unique

How often have you walked into a home or business, looked around, and felt that the space you are in is truly unique? It doesn’t happen often, does it? When it comes to your home you have two options, fit in with everyone else, or take a chance and do something to stand out.  Conformity is boring.

Having a home that looks like every other home you see is boring.  Don’t be boring, be unique, and have a home that is intriguing and makes people talk about it.  Have a home that is memorable and that has character, making your guests feel a sense of appreciation and envy and the unique environment that you have created.

How do you do all of this? You don’t do it by buying modern things that everyone has.  Sure, you probably want a modern flat-screen television instead of an old one with an inferior picture.

You probably want a powerful laptop and smartphone too.  There’s nothing wrong with that, having a unique home that has antiques in it does not mean that you have to abandon modern conveniences.  It just means that you are choosing things that have a history to them when it is a suitable choice to make.

Think of it this way, you need a place to sit and unwind after a long day, you need a table for meals, and you need dressers and other furniture for storing things.  For items like these, modern options don’t offer much of an advantage over an antique.

Sure, you could buy a massaging chair, but that’s the only real exception.  So, with all things being equal, why not choose furniture and clocks for your home that has a sense of history to them?

Published by
Perla Irish