Cleaning your bathroom is certainly not a household chore one would look forward to. However, it is important to keep your bathroom clean and hygienic.
Irrespective of how beautiful your house is, a dirty bathroom can spoil the look of the entire place. Also, a clean and well-maintained bathroom keeps you healthy.
When it comes to cleaning your bathroom, tiles demand a lot of attention and work. Bathroom tiles are prone to a lot of damage on a regular basis. Right from getting stained with hard water to developing rust over time, they need to be maintained really well.

People often make the mistake of ignoring bathroom tiles by cleaning the area superficially once or twice a week. This is certainly not the best way to go about it.
Tiles need a good amount of maintenance which cannot be handled superficially. Whether you use a rust stain remover or go for an intensive wash, make sure that your bathroom tiles are cleaned well.
Here, we would discuss three important aspects of cleaning your bathroom tiles – cleaning the grout, cleaning the wall tiles, and cleaning the floor tiles.
Cleaning The Grout Between Your Bathroom Tiles
Grout is nothing but a filler used between tiles as they are fitted in your bathroom. Generally, grout comprises a mixture of cement, water, and sand. It is used to hold different tiles together and ensure the consistency of the arrangement.
When the grout gets discolored, it makes your tiles look very dirty. As it is porous in nature, it is prone to bacterial growth between your tiles. This makes it important to clean the grout while maintaining the look of your bathroom tiles.
The most common way of cleaning the grout is by using a cleaning agent and an old toothbrush. While dealing with the more notorious groups, people also use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar.
Irrespective of the cleaning agent and solution you use, here are the most fundamental steps involved in cleaning the grout between your bathroom tiles:
- As per the directions specific to the chosen cleaner, spread it over the affected areas.
- Leave the cleaner on the surface for a few minutes.
- Scrub the areas well using an old toothbrush.
- Wash the floor/wall thoroughly using clean water.
- If required, repeat the process until you have the result you desired.
- For preventing streaks, end the process by wiping the tiles using a microfiber cloth.
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Cleaning the Wall Tiles of Your Bathroom
The wall tiles are subject to a lot of potential contaminants on a daily basis. Also, it is only natural for them to be exposed to moisture for a long time, making them susceptible to developing rust stains. Make sure you get yourself a purpose-built cleaner to deal with the nasty stains on the wall tiles of your bathroom.
Before you begin the cleaning process, make sure you read the instructions written on the label of the cleaner you use. Some products may ask you to dilute the cleaners using water before you use them.
On the other hand, some cleaners just need to be sprayed on the tiles to work their magic. Here are some basic steps you can follow for cleaning the wall tiles of your bathroom:
- If possible, start by pre-warming the wall tiles of your bathroom by steaming up the place.
- In parts, cover the wall tiles (especially the stained ones) with the chosen cleaner and wait for a few minutes.
- Scrub and clean the tiles with the help of a soft sponge. Apply gentle pressure on the sponge and follow a consistent wiping motion for the best results.
- Wash the wall tiles using clean water. Make sure there are no remnants of the cleaner after the job is done
- If you feel the need to do so, repeat the process until you get the desired results.
- You can dab the wall tiles dry using a microfiber cloth. This would help you prevent unwanted streaks.
Cleaning the Floor Tiles of Your Bathroom
If you are planning the clean your entire bathroom, it is advisable to end the cleaning session with the floor tiles.
Just like the wall tiles, the floor tiles in your bathroom are subject to rust stains and a plethora of other contaminants on a regular basis.
The steps to be followed by cleaning them would be no different from the steps discussed above for cleaning the wall tiles of your bathroom. All you need to do is use the right cleaner and give the cleaning session enough time.
Best Natural Ingredients for Cleaning Your Bathroom Tiles
Apart from using a dedicated cleaner that consists of chemicals for getting the tiles cleaned, you can also use some natural ingredients if the damage is not too serious.
Here are some of the best and the most commonly used natural ingredients for cleaning your bathroom tiles:
- Salt: Salt allows you to dehydrate the stains and get rid of them effectively. In order to use salt for cleaning bathroom tiles, all you need to do is wipe the infected areas with a moist cloth, sprinkle salt on them, scrub it into the affected areas, and rinse them off after letting the salt rest for a few minutes.
- Vinegar: The acidity of vinegar allows you to prevent the growth of bacteria, mildew, and more. It also helps you get rid of water spots and mineral deposits.
- Baking Soda: Baking soda is an ideal ingredient to use for light cleaning on a daily basis. For best results, you can combine baking soda with lemon juice or vinegar before cleaning your bathroom tiles.
The Final Word
These were some of the most effective ways in which you can clean your bathroom tiles. Irrespective of the cleaner you use, always make sure that you are regular in cleaning your bathroom and avoid taking shortcuts.
Even if you prefer a full-scale cleaning session for your bathroom tiles, not more than a couple of times every month, make sure you spend a good amount of time having a spotless bathroom at your disposal.