
How to Clean Your Bathroom Like a Pro

Nobody wants to use a dirty bathroom.

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How to Clean Your Bathroom Like a Pro

This room is the place where people go to get clean. However, getting this room clean and keeping it clean remains a challenge for many homeowners. 

There are easier ways to clean a bathroom. Once a person knows the tips and tricks used by professional cleaners, caring for your bathroom becomes effortless. Implement these tricks in the cleaning routine today for amazing results. 

An Ongoing Task

The easiest way to clean a bathroom is to keep it clean. Properly caring for your bathroom means handling messes as they happen. People often put off simple tasks until they become overwhelming, and they shouldn’t. 

For example, a person may pick their dirty clothes up off the floor when they are done showering. However, they ignore the shampoo that spilled down the side of the tub. Do a quick clean of the bathroom every time it is used, and it won’t get so dirty. 

Any messes that are left tend to solidify and make cleaning the room harder. Using a bathroom squeegee to wipe the shower walls down after every shower reduces the risk of mold and grime building up. 

Close the shower curtain after every use. This prevents water from sitting in the folds. Small steps such as these go a long way in keeping this room clean.  

Clean Dry Surfaces First

Begin by cleaning all dry surfaces in the bathroom. They tend to accumulate dust, hair, and more. Run a duster over these areas to remove any debris, and make sure the dust is captured and not sent to the floor. 

Don’t overlook any areas, including the base of the toilet and the light fixtures. Any dirt that remains after this step will turn into wet sludge when liquid products are used. 

A clean home makes people feel better. However, having to do the same task twice is frustrating. By starting with dry surfaces first, a person won’t have to worry about doing the same chore twice. 

In addition, always work from top to bottom in any room. If any dirt or debris falls, it will be collected when the floor is cleaned. This also eliminates covering the same area twice. 

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Use Heat When Possible

Don’t pull out the hair dryer and try to melt built-up grime. There’s an easier way to use heat to clean a bathroom. Run hot water in the tub until the water level is several inches high. Walk away for a few minutes and let it sit. 

This allows the alkaline cleaners to work better and remove more soap scum and grime with less effort on the cleaner’s part. Hot water may also be used on tile floors and other waterproof surfaces. However, ensure all water is removed before finishing in the room. Any remaining water encourages mold growth. 

In addition, pour hot water down the drains in the bathroom. Doing so helps to reduce the risk of clogs. The hot water breaks down many products that build up in drains. Doing this weekly helps to keep these problems at bay. 

Spray and Walk Away

After adding hot water to the tub, spray all surfaces in the bathroom. Go enjoy a cup of coffee or clean another room before returning to the bathroom. This allows the hot water to melt the grime in the tub and the cleaners to break down any grime. 

Following this short break, return to the bathroom. Begin cleaning the surfaces. Five to seven minutes is usually enough to have any grit and grime coming off easily. Stubborn areas may need to be scrubbed, but there are fewer problem areas to address. 

Removing Stubborn Stains in a Toilet

Bathroom toilets must be cleaned and sanitized for the health and safety of the family. Add the toilet cleaner after spraying all other surfaces in the bathroom and allow it to sit as well. Don’t overlook the toilet seat and handle when doing so. 

After waiting a few minutes, clean the interior of the toilet with a toilet brush. If there are stubborn stains the brush can’t reach or remove, turn the water supply to the toilet off. Drain the toilet. Soak paper towels in vinegar. Place them over the stubborn stains in the bowl. Allow the paper towels to sit for two hours, and the stains should be gone.

Use the Right Tools

Cleaning any area is easier when a person has the right tools on hand. As the bathroom has different surfaces, several products may be needed. Over time, the cleaner will learn which products are essential and which are not needed for this room. 

Invest in a good duster that reaches the far corners of the ceiling. This helps to remove any cobwebs and dirt hiding in these corners. Remember to start at the top of the room and work down. 

Invest in a good set of brushes and scrub pads for the tubs, showers, and sink. Microfiber rags don’t leave lint behind on a clean surface, so have some of these available when cleaning the bathroom. 

Use disinfectant to clean dirty areas and ensure all germs are removed. A scrubbing powder can be used on grimy areas to loosen the dirt, and many people use distilled vinegar as a natural cleaning product that truly works. Finish up by using an all-purpose cleaner to leave the room shiny and bright.  

Steam-Cleaning Bathroom Tiles

Bathroom tiles can be very hard to clean. A person can either spend hours trying to scrub them or invest in a steam cleaner. This cleaner will remove built-up dirt quickly and easily. 

Steam opens the pores of the material’s surface, allowing trapped dirt to be removed. Apply the steam to the tiles in need of cleaning and allow them to work. Follow up by wiping the area with a sponge or rag to remove the dirt that was released. 

With these tips, anyone can clean a bathroom like a professional. Nobody wants to spend their free time on this task, so any timesavers are appreciated. Try them today and see how quickly this room is sparkling clean and ready for guests. Those who try the tips are sure to be impressed. 

Published by
Perla Irish