
6 Clever Barbecue Secrets That Will Blow Your Mind

Nice, sunny weather instantly motivates us to go outside and do the outdoor grilling, gather our family members and friends and simply have the best time of our lives.

Still, if you’re not an expert when it comes to it, you may think that you’re going to burn your house to the ground.

image - 6 Clever Barbecue Secrets That Will Blow Your Mind
6 Clever Barbecue Secrets That Will Blow Your Mind

Still, it doesn’t have to be like that. There are a couple of things that you should comprehend before you embark on this delicious journey.

It doesn’t matter whether you employ a charcoal grill, a smoker, or a gas, you can still make the most out of your outdoor grilling time.

To help you out make the yummiest food in the world, we are going to uncover some carefully hidden secrets that some of the biggest chefs in the world revealed to us.

Want to know them? Scroll below to find out!

1. Prepare Your Food Beforehand and Preheat the Grill

This is one of the most common mistakes people make (especially the amateurs) when they are preparing and organizing their BBQs.

If you do not pre-prepare enough food before people arrive, then it means you won’t be spending enough time with them when they come.

Furthermore, you should be focusing on preparing, cooking, and chopping, but of course, do not overlook grilling.

It’s of huge importance to first preheat the grill for approximately ten to fifteen minutes before you add your food.

Set all your burners on high, if you want the temperature under the lead to reach around five hundred degrees.

Additionally, preheating allows you to clean the heating grate as well as the wired brush, first and foremost, for sanitary reasons, and because you do not want to transfer one of the meal’s tastes to the other.

2. Smokers or Grills?

An ancient question that has never managed to receive a proper answer. So many BBQ lovers wonder, smoker or grill bbq, what is truly better?

Namely, choosing between these two has a huge impact on how everything further unfolds.

Viz, grills are all about heat, while smokers mostly revolve around flavor-improving wood smoke.

We say mostly because grilling food does include a little bit of smoke, while on the other hand, smokers generate heat.

Now, if your main goal is to make something that has the best test ever, then you should definitely opt for the smoker.

Still, it’s worth mentioning that food does take longer to prepare if you’re utilizing a smoker than compared with a grill.

Why is that? Well, it’s because smoking temperatures are almost always lower than grilling ones, giving more time for the smoke flavor to enter the food.

Smoking food has been around for ages, so at the end of the day, it all comes down to your personal preferences. We’ve just tried to accentuate some facts.

You can also check a review about Built-in grills under $2000 before buying the gas grill.

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3. The Best Tools

Without the right tools, you cannot expect to be great at BBQ. It’s simply doesn’t work that way.

If you want to have just one tool only, then it would be advisable to obtain a high-quality set of tongs.

Now, if you decide that you want to put together a solid BBQ kit that is going to be placed right inside your cabinet, then we are going to provide you with some suggestions regarding what you’re supposed to have:

  • Tongs
  • Salt and pepper
  • Oil
  • Paper towel
  • Fire prevention kit that includes baking soda, as well as a squirt bottle in case grease of smoldering planks or grease fires
  • Heat resistant gloves
  • Pot/trivets holders

4. First-Class Burgers

If you want to enhance your burgers then here’s what you are supposed to do.

Before you start making the patties, you should first saute onion and minced garlic in olive oil and then add it to your meat, along with fresh ground pepper, salt, and chopped fresh basil.

Moreover, you can always employ a mixture of charcoal and a little bit of mesquite wood chips if you want to accomplish some smokiness.

Another great idea is to have one-half of the onion skewered on your barbecue fork and ensure to utilize it to clean the grill before you add the rest to make sure flavors do not change drastically.

5. Butter Up the Steak

Whenever you decide to order a first-class steak in the restaurant, do not be amazed by all those spectacular spices or techniques that were listed on the menu.

Namely, there is a simple, yet very effective secret that provides people with out-of-this-world flavor.

So what do you think it is? The answer is simple. It’s all about the butter. So, when you wish to grill at home, as soon as you remove the meat from the grill, you should add 1/2 tablespoon of butter and let it melt.

Sounds amazing right? Just make sure not to reveal this secret to your guest. Let them wonder what you did to accomplish this flavor.

6. Do Not Touch the Burger

If you want to make the tastiest burger in the world, make sure not to handle the meat a lot when you start shaping the patties.

Why is that? Well, it’s because you are going to melt the burger fat too much if you do this.

Now, once the burger is placed on the grill, do not prod or poke it too often. If you want to make the most delicious cheeseburger, then you have to melt the cheese amazingly.

Most chefs suggest that it takes about ninety seconds to do it.

So once that time is over, you should cover your burgers just to make sure that the cheese is melted enough on top.

Now, if you acquired a cheese that isn’t perfectly shaped, then you should grate it, shape it into a relatively nice ball, and then press it down to create a small disk that is going to melt evenly over your meat.

Do Not Touch the Burger

Let’s be real unless you’re a celebrity or have a bunch of cash, it’s highly unlikely that you are going to hire a personal chef who is going to cater to your cravings.

That’s why you should follow these tips to cook the food that is only seen in the most exclusive restaurants.

Published by
Perla Irish