Once upon a time, most Australians dreamed about owning a house with two stories and a beautiful backyard.
However, that dream is no longer viable. Big city areas are more economically sound and they generate more money and attract more people than any other region in the country. People living in urban areas have numerous job opportunities and lifestyle options, which for many, is more important than having a picket fence.
Also, there’s the stressful question of money. Today, only multimillionaires can afford to buy a house in the city, meaning those who want their two-story house need to pick suburbs and small towns.
It’s safe to say that apartments are taking over and becoming the new dream for many Australians. Those who are still not convinced that apartment living is worth it will definitely change teams after reading this article:
Lower Costs
Unfortunately, most of us are in such a financial situation that the first thing we need to consider is money. It’s clear that apartments are cheaper than houses in every way, both upfront and ongoing costs.
Today, an average Australian house in Sydney would cost you $1,243,126, while the price of an apartment in the same city would be around $781,663. The price difference is obvious and astounding.
And these numbers are expressed without any additional maintenance costs and the work and attention you need to put into maintaining a house. Many costs of living in an apartment are covered by the community or the landlord.
Today, many apartment complexes in Australia come with various amenities for the residents. In many cases, these amenities can be used with no extra charge for residents, including things like pools, saunas, spa service and gyms. These little treats and simple life pleasures would be much harder to afford for house owners.
Today, a very significant amenity apartment-dwellers can enjoy is extra security. While some neighbourhoods offer neighbourhood watch, apartment complexes often come with video surveillance, front desk concierge, security alarms, touch locks, etc.
Apartments have at least two points of security the gate to the complex and the door to your apartment. This extra level of security lowers break-ins and makes people feel safer in their homes.
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Better Location
In most cases, apartments are located in central city areas with high-density populations. These areas attract businesses, stores, and residents who together create a desirable cultural environment.
In Melbourne, larger density areas are more than walkable and accessible to all users. When looking at apartments in Melbourne CBD, the Queen Victoria Market area will stand out for its diverse culture, friendly vibes, and quick access to the big city.
There’s no better way to join a community of creative, young, and ambitious people ready to create a new world. With close proximity to public transport, amenities, and the inner city, there’s no need to rely on a car. This way, you can get plenty of activity, save money on petrol and protect the environment by going green. Plus, your presence in the neighbourhood will help the creation of a community.
Easy Cleaning and Maintenance
It’s true that apartments come with more limited space, but this has its perks. For a couple where both parties are working, coming home to a house that requires attention can take a lot of energy and time you don’t have. In apartments, there’s no backyard to groom, plus the rooms are smaller and easier to clean. And if you have a terrace or a shared rooftop space, you can enjoy the outdoors, spend time with your neighbours and have a lot of fun and relaxation without having to invest too much time in maintenance or repair.
Additionally, many repairs might have been the responsibility of the landlord, which can save you a lot of time, money, and nerve. To cover the repairs, you might need to pay the landlord a corporation fee, but this is usually much cheaper than having to call big service repair companies.
Community Connection
Today, if you step foot in a new suburb, you’ll notice just how empty the streets are. People living in houses no longer let their kids play outside until the late hours of the day, nor do they send cookies to their new neighbours. Most people work until 5 pm, after which they keep to themselves and spend time with their kids and pets.
On the other hand, apartment living offers people much more chances to connect to their neighbours and create a close community. You can bump into your neighbour in the elevator and exchange a few words, easily help senior residents with collecting mail and hauling groceries and hang out with others in communal areas. Plus, the streets around apartment complexes are often lively and full of bars, clubs, stores and venues.
Just like anywhere else in the world, the Australian dream has moved on from homes and switched to apartments. And who can blame us when apartment living has so many amazing benefits?