If you own or rent commercial property, then at some point you are going to have to think about the condition of your roof, and how effective it is at protecting your business, and its assets against the ever-changing elements.

As time goes by, your roof will be subject to some pretty hefty wear and tear, as such, if nothing else you should get it checked once a year, or maybe even every 6 months.
It kind of all depends on where you are located and what type of roofing system you have. You may be tempted to have your roof repaired, however, in some cases, it can make more sense to have it replaced, but when?
When is the Right Time?
If you haven’t had your roof inspected since you’ve been the owner, or manager of your business then, the sooner you can book somebody to come to take a look, the better.
Especially if you’ve got a ‘flat’ roof system installed, they were at one point the most popular type of roof for a commercial property, and probably still are. Mainly because of their low, initial cost and ease of maintenance, or at least that’s how they were sold.
You’ll find that commercial roofing systems have improved a lot over the years however, if you have a flat roof that is anywhere between 10 years or above then you should arrange an appointment, as a matter of urgency. Hopefully, the company who manufactured your roof is still in business, and still keeps parts for your roof type. If they do, then your life will be a lot easier.
If not, then you need to search for a local specialist, if nothing else then, to come and put your mind at rest, because when most people have their flat roofs inspected for the first time the operatives usually find an Aladdin’s cave of random stuff on top which has ended up getting stuck.
Some of which may end up alone known as antique roadshows however, generally speaking, the roofs are just cluttered with rubbish and debris that needs removing and disposing of in the proper manner.
It is also quite common to find water pooling. in certain areas of the roof, usually, where a blockage has taken place and perhaps the guttering has become even more blocked. Or, it turns out that the roof has a leak or two.
With flat roofs, you’ll want as many tips as you can get because, leaks could just be down to general wear and tear, more likely though it’s because it’s been left alone for a long time, to do what roofs do best, to keep you and your property safe from above, sometimes they aren’t even evident. So, you would never know, until you get up on top of the roof to have a gander.
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If you don’t have a working relationship with a local roofing firm and, you haven’t had any inspections, or any work done on the roof by way of maintenance, or repairs for some time then you’ll want to do a quick Internet search for ‘commercial roofing companies near me, and choose the most suitable firm based upon reviews, service, and price.
Because of the level of skill that is required to be a first-class, professional roofer, it’s a well-paid profession that’s highly sought after, as such, you’ll probably find that the Internet is choc a block with hefty competition so prices should be pretty competitive. However, what’s important to check apart from getting good value for money is that they are properly qualified for the job.
There are many roofers that aren’t necessarily qualified enough for certain jobs, nor do they have the experience to deal with a fully-fledged flat roofing system. In fact, they’re probably more suited to checking your felt topping, stapled to the roof of your garden shed.
On the other hand, you may very well be reading this article because you have a roof leak at the moment that is perfectly evident, you just need the right people for the job.
If so, then well done for reading this far! As with most things, you will want to see referrals from existing customers, ideally via the form of word of mouth, although that can be more by luck than by chance.
More so these days, social media is the place to go, however, do make sure the people you are talking to have experience. The Internet is full of people with opinions based on 0 experience which makes them next to useless, to say the least.
Seek out some people who have used the firm before and are happy to share with you the good sides and the bad. That way you get a first-hand review and confirmation that you should receive a good level of service for the money that you’re paying out.
Opinions passed on in the form of advice can actually become more damaging than they are good. Imagine somebody recommending a company to you that they’ve never even used. And, you end up having a bad experience.
It will certainly tarnish your relationship with your ‘advisory friend’, and the company that you’ve paid to help you. One of the wisest things you can do when ‘going out to tender for a new contractor is to do your best to ignore anything other than first-hand experience.
A Few Hints and Tips to Use Along the Way (Call the Pros, Or Let It Go?)
Roof Damage That Can Be Seen
If you’re concerned that the flashing is showing signs of wear and tear, that you can see membrane cracks, bubbles, or blisters, or water collecting that isn’t draining correctly, take an afternoon to personally inspect your flat roof.
All of these problems indicate that the roof needs to be replaced. There are some great offers on full roof inspection for your business roof which will tell you precisely if you should mend or replace your current roofing system.
Age of the Roof
The strongest sign of a roof that needs to be replaced is its age. Unlike most home roofs, commercial roofing systems do not survive as long as most residential roofs.
Roof Leaks
If your roof leaks, it’s clear that it’s not performing its job. Check for evidence of leaking or wetness around penetrations, drains, and internal walls the next time it rains.
If the leak is simply a little one, you might be able to get away with a quick fix. Multiple leaks, on the other hand, are an indication of a broader problem.