The Pros and Cons of Cedar Roofing

Cedar roofing offers numerous benefits to homeowners, from aesthetic appeal to long-term durability and environmental sustainability.

As a timeless material, cedar can seamlessly blend well with various styles.

Smooth cedar shingles make a great addition to a modern home, while textured cedar shake creates a rustic ambiance.

Cedar is one of the most durable materials for residential roofing, making it the ideal choice for homeowners eager to boost overall property value.

image - The Pros and Cons of Cedar Roofing
The Pros and Cons of Cedar Roofing

You can choose from cedar shakes or shingles for your home.

There are differences between the two, mainly in their appearance and thickness.

Shingles are generally manufactured, giving them a uniform look, while shakes are handmade, giving them a more rustic look.

Determining the right option will depend on your home’s architectural style and your personal preferences.

Find a reliable roofing company like Viking Contractors to help you make an informed decision.

Regardless of whether you choose cedar shingles or shakes, the material is one of the most desired for its numerous benefits.

However, if you intend to give your home a cedar roof, it’s best to know both the pros and cons of the material to help you make the right choice.

Pros Of Cedar Roofing

Many homeowners favor cedar’s superior durability and natural beauty as a roofing material.

Here are some of the pros of cedar roofing.

1. Aesthetically Appealing

Investing in cedar roofing may be a good decision to improve your home’s aesthetic appeal.

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Cedar has long been recognized as one of the most attractive roofing materials available.

With its natural beauty and unique texture, cedar roofing can significantly boost the curb appeal of your property.

2. Long-Lasting

Cedar wood is well-known for its durability and resilience.

As a roofing material, it can last around 20-30 years with proper care and maintenance.

Cedar also boasts a superior strength-to-weight ratio that keeps them flattened and straight over the years.

3. Thermal Insulation

Switching to cedar roofing would be practical if you want to cut down on your monthly utility bill.

As a roofing material, cedar is lightweight and naturally insulating, making it a better option than asphalt shingles.

The material can maintain the ideal indoor temperature, significantly reducing energy consumption.

4. Weather Resistance

Cedar shakes and shingles are highly resistant to weather elements, including heavy rain, strong winds, snowstorms, hail, and other severe weather conditions.

An advantage of the material is fewer repairs and replacements after severe weather events.

Furthermore, you can have one readily installed at any time of the year since they don’t require sealants to secure them.

5. Sustainable Material

Cedar shingles are environmentally friendly and recyclable materials.

Once you replace worn-out pieces, cedar naturally degrades without causing any detrimental effect on the environment.

It can also be recycled as mulch, wood chips, or gardening fills.

The difference with asphalt shingles which undergo petroleum-based processing is that cedar is grown and harvested from sustainably grown forests.

Cons Of Cedar Roofing

Like any roofing material, cedar has its share of drawbacks.

Here are some of the cons of using cedar roofing.

1. Expensive

The high quality of cedar wood comes at a lofty price tag.

If you plan on switching to cedar roofing, expect it to cost considerably more compared to most other materials due to its superior qualities.

If you have the budget to splurge, it’s a worthwhile investment for your home.

2. Challenging Installation

Aside from the price of cedar roofing, the installation requires the skills of an expert.

It’s crucial to note that an average contractor may lack the qualifications to install cedar roofing, especially the cedar shakes.

It’s best to look for a roofing professional with experience handling this material to ensure proper installation.

3. Requires Routine Maintenance

Cedar roofing is known for its long lifespan, as long as it’s regularly maintained. It’s crucial to note that all types of roofing material will require some maintenance to ensure they last long, but cedar requires meticulous care to maintain its durability and unique beauty.

As part of maintenance, you must keep debris and leaves off the roof and any moss growth.

If there are trees nearby, consider keeping them trimmed.

Routine maintenance is the key to preventing mold, mildew, and moss growth over the years.

4. Flammable Nature

Cedar roofing can be a fire hazard due to wood’s natural flammability.

While fires involving cedar roofs are rare, you should still take precautions to minimize the risk.

A roofing professional can apply fire retardants as a preservative layer.

Furthermore, check local regulations and ordinances as some building codes restrict or prohibit the use of wood shingles due to fire risk.

Final Thoughts

Cedar roofing is a premium roofing material that offers unmatched durability and aesthetic appeal.

While cedar roofing may come with some drawbacks, such as a higher upfront cost and the need for meticulous maintenance, its benefits far outweigh these factors.

With proper installation and maintenance, cedar roofing can give your home a significant boost in aesthetics and overall value.

Published by
Perla Irish