If someone tells you that a burglar is “casing” a house, that might make you think about old-time gangster films. You don’t hear that term much anymore.

However, criminals intending a home invasion still take time beforehand to plan their crimes. How can you tell whether someone has these plans? Let’s talk about some of the signs right now.
Someone Walks or Drives Back And Forth Many Times
Thieves aren’t always the planet’s most intelligent human beings. Burglars typically case homes before they break in, which means they must spend time in the vicinity looking at the target while they make plans.
If you see someone walking back and forth in front of your house, or if you see the same car driving back and forth many times, that’s a sign this person or these people have bad intentions. If you stare back, they might walk away or drive away quickly. This behavior might trigger alarm bells for you, and it should. If you feel like someone’s paying your residence undue attention, you can always call the cops.
Someone Knocking on Your Door
Some thieves knock on doors to see whether anyone’s home. They’re learning your patterns. They want a moment when you’re not around, and they also want information regarding who lives in the house. They know kids will likely have school during the day, while adults often work outside the home.
If someone’s home and they answer, the thief may have a clipboard and say they want signatures for a political campaign. They might say they’re doing free home energy audits. If you let them in, they’ll take mental notes. They may come back and attempt a burglary the following day.
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Flyers on Your Door
Not many restaurants or local businesses print out flyers anymore and stick them on doorsteps, but some still do. If you find flyers on your doorstep or slipped under the front door, that could mean a burglar stopped by as well.
Burglars like dropping off flyers because they’re a convenient reason why they might approach a house. If someone sees them, they have this ready-made excuse. They might also leave multiple flyers on the doorstep to see whether anyone retrieves them. If no one does, that probably means the owner isn’t in town. That house immediately becomes a tempting target.
Strangers with Emergency Stories
Strangers showing up at the door wanting to use the phone might have ulterior motives. Maybe a burglar might say they lost a dog in the neighborhood or their car broke down close by. They want entry into your home.
If you let them in to use the phone, they’ll look the place over. They’ll note any security measures you have in place and any valuables they might snatch when they come back later. You can always get a dog who will guard the house while you’re gone. You can also set up cameras. Those deter potential burglars very well.