Pets give us their affection and unconditional love. But with them are also hairs, smells, and other small inconveniences. Do not panic! There are ways to keep your home clean and odor-proof.

1. House and Pets
Enjoying a clean house in which a fresh environment is breathed while enjoying your pets and allowing them to roam freely, is possible if you maintain good hygiene in the animal and the cleanliness of your house is ready.
2. Deep Cleaning
If you have rugs at home, pay special attention to their care. Vacuum every two days to remove hair and odor-causing dirt.
Once every fifteen days, brush them with a mixture of mild soap and water or with vinegar.
3. A Pleasant Smell
There are anti-odor candles especially designed to combat doggy aromas. You can turn it on daily for a little while you enjoy your sofa and blanket moment.
4. Sweet and Clean Dreams
The world of products for pets has grown so much that you can find special antibacterial beds. They are undoubtedly a good idea to keep some odor causes at bay.
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5. If You Snuggle with Them
If you let them climb on the bed or on the armchairs, keep in mind that you will have to shake these surfaces every day to remove the remains of hair and, once a week, carry out a more thorough cleaning by washing the bedding and armchairs.
6. Take Care of All the Details
In addition to paying attention to the cleaning of your home and that of your pet, look at the quality of the food you give it, try to make it as natural and healthy as possible.
This will facilitate that their digestions are good and that the odors diminish.
7. Keep Their Things Clean
Every 15 days wash their blankets, their bed, and even the toys that your pet uses. Bacteria, slime, remains of hair, and dirt that can be brought from the street accumulate there.
8. Let the Air In!
Good ventilation is essential, so open the windows wide every morning. It does not matter if it is cold or hot, with 5 minutes it will be more than enough to recycle the air and that the bad smells come out.
9. Good Hygiene
It is true that it is not advisable to bathe dogs too often, but it should be done on average once a month (it depends on the breed and how delicate their skin is).
Brush them once a week to remove hair and dead skin, brush their teeth, or give them special treats to clean. For more tips on dog grooming and care, check out
Pet lovers have to deal with the aromas that they emanate.
Having a house that smells clean and living with animals is not always an easy task and no matter how neat you are, sometimes you will feel that something does not smell good.
But all is not lost, we are going to give you some tips with which you will breathe freshness in each room of your house and you can continue to enjoy your furry friends indoors.
First of all, we must make it clear that the body odor of dogs is much stronger than that of any other pet, and there are also breeds that smell more than others.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with their aromas since there are viral diseases that produce more odor and it is convenient to attend to it in time.
1. Your Ally – Apple Cider Vinegar
It turns out that vinegar is a powerful cleaner, disinfectant, and absorbs bad smells that it gives a taste.
One trick is to add a cup of vinegar to the shampoo you use to bathe your dog.
When you wash it, wipe it dry vigorously with a towel and prevent it from going outside until it is completely dry, otherwise, it will be impregnated with bad odors and it will not be worth the bath.
As a plus, we will tell you that it will also add an extra shine to your pet’s hair.
But that’s not all, the magic of vinegar also reaches the cleaning of furniture and surfaces, ideal for caring for wood and leaving the floors like jets of gold, so a small plug in the bucket before mopping and another in the washing machine … yes, as you hear it, the clothes will be odor free and we promise you that the vinegar smell will also disappear.
2. Baking Soda – It Absorbs Odors
If there is a product that absorbs, without disguising all kinds of odors, that is baking soda. Spread a little of it every night in the places where your pet is most used to being, the next morning shake the surfaces where you dusted it or vacuum.
3. Invest in an Air Purifier
It may not be the most economical measure, but it is certainly the one with which you will most notice how the air is renewed.
A good air purifier not only helps you with bad scents, but it will also cause some unhelpful substances that circulate in the air to be eliminated and your health will notice.
People with allergies feel great.
4. Natural Air Fresheners
It is not about hiding the smell with stronger ones, the result can be quite unpleasant and your pituitary will cry out for a breath.
Therefore, we do not recommend that you use artificial fragrances. However, there are some recipes to make natural air fresheners that will be of great help in some spaces. Like for example, this:
Mix 2 cups of water with a half cup of lemon juice and another half cup of baking soda in a spray bottle. Spray the rugs and armchairs with this mixture and enjoy the fresh scent of citrus.