Trees & Shrubs

How to Care for Your Trees for a Well-Maintained Backyard

Trees play a very important role in your entire landscape design. In fact, they can be considered as the most valuable greeneries to invest in.

For one, they provide shade to your home and your surroundings, which will also help you cut down on energy costs.

Also, since trees also provide great aesthetic value, they’re one of the many elements that can increase your property’s value in the long run.

Overall, planting trees in your backyard is a good investment, especially with the benefits, beauty, and calming energy they bring.

However, you can only enjoy these benefits if the trees are well-maintained. Surely, an old and dying tree will only bring the opposite.

For instance, an old tree will give the impression that your house is old and neglected, decreasing its market value.

Thus, if you have trees in your backyard, you must know how to maintain them.

image - How to Care for Your Trees for a Well-Maintained Backyard
How to Care for Your Trees for a Well-Maintained Backyard

Here are some things to keep in mind to have well-maintained trees in your backyard:

Know the Type of Tree

Just like every living thing, trees also have different needs. This is why the first thing to do to have a well-maintained backyard is to know the type of tree you want, as well as the needs of that particular tree species.

Before planting a tree or if you already have a tree in your backyard, consider researching what they need. As you conduct your research, take note of the following points:

  • How much water does the tree need?
  • Is the tree you’re eyeing to plant or present in your backyard prone to drought?
  • Is the tree sensitive to high winds?
  • What’s the type of soil suitable for the tree’s roots?

Plant in the Right Place

If there’s an existing tree in your desired spot and you don’t like how it looks in that area, it would be best to contact a tree removal service.

This way, you’ll rest assured that the existing tree will be properly disposed of, and then you can plant the tree you want on that same spot.

Ideally, you want an area where the tree can have sufficient sun exposure. Also, since you’ve already done your research, it’s best to take into consideration how much space the tree will take once it’s fully grown.

Don’t plant huge trees close to each other as you may limit their growth potential.

Lastly, before planting, ensure that the roots won’t get too close to power lines or any underground utility lines, especially when the tree is fully grown. This way, the tree won’t cause any massive damages in the long run.

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Pruning is an important responsibility you have to take as a tree owner. This is because pruning will allow your tree to stay strong and healthy.

Take note that pruning your trees the wrong way may damage your backyard’s look, especially since the tree won’t look as healthy as it’s supposed to be.

Also, improperly pruning your trees may make them a source of diseases and fungi, and increase the chance of infecting other greeneries found in your backyard.

Here are some telltale signs that you’re improperly pruning:

  • If the tree has some jagged cuts
  • If the tree is bottom- or top-heavy
  • If the tree is excessively leaning
  • If a tree is deprived of sunlight by another tree

To ensure your tree won’t suffer any of these consequences, it’s best to call an arborist.


In addition to pruning, you have to water your trees properly for a well-maintained backyard.

The watering process will depend on the tree’s species, but, generally, young trees need to be constantly watered.

Meanwhile, some types of trees, even if they’re already matured, may need your attention, especially when it’s the dry season.

When watering your trees, note that the water must entirely saturate the tree’s roots, which is usually two to three feet deep for mature trees.

This means that you shouldn’t rely on sprinklers as they won’t penetrate the soil. As an alternative, it’s best to use a soil basin or drip irrigation.

Also, avoid drowning your trees. It’s best if you wait for the soil to be partially dry, then you can water again.

Final Words

Just because some trees don’t require the tender loving care that some other plants or flowers do, it doesn’t mean you should completely neglect them.

Since trees provide plenty of benefits, it’s important for you to properly maintain them, too.

Hopefully, with the above tips in mind, you now have an idea of how to take good care of your trees.

If you have some questions or don’t have the time to take care of your trees, ask help from the professionals—an arborist.

Published by
Perla Irish