Home Improvement

A Heavenly Home: Creating a Peaceful Atmosphere

When the world outside is wintery, cold, and full of chaos – it’s nice to come back to a heavenly home and warm your weary bones. Many people can relate to that at this time of year or any time of year for that matter. Many will say that their home is a safe place.

And, it’s as easy to create a peaceful atmosphere through luxury furnishings and accessories as it is by the people living inside it. Read on to see how you can create a heavenly home with a perfectly peaceful atmosphere.

image - A Heavenly Home Creating A Peaceful Atmosphere
A Heavenly Home Creating A Peaceful Atmosphere

The Tranquility of Nature

There’s proof in the pudding when it comes to nature. Science has proven plants, flowers, and nature, in general, helps with depression and low moods, amongst many other things.

Perhaps that’s why it has become such a big interior design trend, or it could be down to the natural vibrance it brings to a room that even has an essence of luxury – especially a beautiful lavender plant. If you’re curious, Flower Aura has listed the top 10 most relaxing house plants here.

Peace and plants are like two peas in a pod. Any plant you like the look of will do, but some are better at bringing tranquillity to the room than others. Naturally, lavender is one of the top-rated plants for relaxation. Or, if you want to think more luxurious and modern – dried flowers are very on-trend.

As for the living room, you might wish to try a snake plant. They’re perfect for the living room, and they’re really easy to grow and maintain.

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Timeless Classics

You can’t go amiss with some of the timeless classics that bring nostalgic luxurious tranquillity along with it. That’s exactly what a rustic table mat can offer. The dining room table is not complete without classic table mats and a dinner set, especially during the festive season. You can find beautiful rattan table mats at:


The earthy green of the wicker mat displayed isn’t too bold but is a more classic and calming color. If you want your home to have a statement piece, why not look for an old grandfather clock.

You’ll either agree or disagree with this but there’s something so peaceful about reading a book next to the fire with an old grandfather clock ticking away in the background.

There’s something elegant and royal about them. If timeless classics are your thing, a grandfather clock is a must-have. They’re easy to find at an auction or on websites like eBay.

Soothing Smells

Every home has a signature smell, and smells are sometimes the most soothing thing about a home. At this time of year, it’s the perfect opportunity to get fragrant potpourri out – warm winter spice smells are a must.

Or, you could play around with aromatherapy scents. Oil burners are great for inducing relaxation through their heavenly scents if you select the right oils! Or, you can’t go wrong with a classic candle. Yankee Candle has its Christmas scented range out, which brings all the festive and warm vibes you need.

Your home is unique – you have the space to create whatever sanctuary you please. The ideas above should kickstart your journey towards a peaceful home you can escape to when the world outside is chaotic!

Published by
Perla Irish