When you opt to cut down a tree, it’s wise to plant another as soon as you can. However, replanting without prior experience presents many complexities besides having to take care of the stump of the cut tree.
Even though the cutting may have been out of the desire to keep a home safe, you need to find a way to beautify and increase the functionality of your home or property by incorporating some trees. Let’s delve into the important reasons for replanting after tree removal.
1. a wildlife Habitat
While you may see a tree as of no significance, it plays a critical role in the sustainability and maintenance of life.
It is a source of nutrition and a habitat for various native animals such as squirrels and birds.
Furthermore, it provides shade for people who like to enjoy cool breezes under the trees away from the scorching sun.
So, when you are not planning to replant, know you’re putting the lives of some animals in jeopardy since their dwellings, and sources of food will be gone.
So, replant your trees to ensure animals have an adequate food source and feel safe at all times.
2. Natural Climate Control
If there’s one reason for replanting you should definitely consider, it is to enjoy relaxing under trees when completing your tasks, having chitchats with friends, or just unwinding.
If you have to follow up with this reason, then there’s no reason to cut a tree. But if you have to, then replanting becomes a necessity.
The cooling effect trees bring in your yard or near your property definitely calls for excellent care of the trees around your property.
Hence, you should consider replanting after cutting them. Consider hiring tree services to help with controlling the tree canopy to give you the perfect shape you desire.
If done the right way, you’ll have the perfect shade during summers and reduce the wind pressure on cold, windy days. The trees protect your house by shielding it from the direct impact of wind.
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3. Carbon Storage
With global warming on everyone’s mind, most people want to get conversant with the major benefits of replanting trees, such as natural carbon storage.
Young trees eliminate about 5.9kg of CO2 every year. Once they reach the age of ten years, they become more efficient and effective by eliminating up to 22 kg every year.
So, with these statistics in mind, you should plan to replace a cut tree almost immediately with suitable tree species.
4. Increases a Property Value
Just having the best architecture for your property is not enough; Other factors make it more valuable.
And, the magic answer is just trees. Yes, trees provide more value to a home or commercial property and tend to attract more buyers if you want to dispose of your property.
However, this doesn’t imply that the trees have to be grown haphazardly. Having them planted in a disorderly manner means your property will be aesthetically unpleasant.
Branches will creep onto the roof, or at times, the entire tree might fall in on the walls, breaking a home’s structure.
So, while thinking about planting or replanting trees, prioritize order to increase your property’s value as well as for safety purposes.
5. Natural Sound Buffer
Another good reason to keep replanting is to reduce or prevent noise. You can use trees as a hedge, more so if you densely plant them.
Trees help to eliminate noise by a significant percentage, besides being a cheaper alternative to sound-insulated boards.
If you are thinking about natural ways of reducing noise by several decibels, then a dense tree hedge is your excellent choice.
You can never underestimate the power of trees in the environment. They continually increase the quality and quantity of water in rivers, reservoirs, and waterways besides shielding rivers from the effects of neighboring land uses.
They limit flooding, pollution, nitrogen, and nitrate runoff in waters and ideally mitigate the daring impacts of wind erosion and the impact of flooding.
Besides, trees enhance the quality of air by extracting emissions from the environment.
If you had no reason to replant trees, then the positive effects listed above might surely convince you to.