One of the most annoying things about owning your own home is dealing with a leaky roof.
If you are unlucky enough to have a leaky roof, then it can ruin the look of your home and make living in it that little bit more difficult. Nevertheless, if your roof is leaking, don’t panic.
Almost every leak can be repaired or prevented. Here are a few common reasons your roof might be leaking:
Damaged Shingles
Damaged shingles are one of the most common reasons for leaks. Extreme weather is often the culprit. Hail, snow, and heavy rain can cause considerable damage to your shingles.
So can high winds, debris, and tree branches. If you have a leaky roof, the best way to find out what’s wrong is to contact the roofing company.
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Clogged Gutters
One of the most common reasons roofs start leaking over time is dirty gutters. If you don’t clean your gutters regularly, the water will start building up and seeping into your house’s walls and other parts.
You need to make sure that the water flows freely through the gutters so that it doesn’t cause any damage later down the line. Leaky roofs can be caused by clogged gutters as well.
As leaves and other debris build up in your gutters, water gets trapped inside them. This can damage the fascia boards and soffit underneath your eaves and the shingles above them.
Clean your gutters regularly and install gutter guards if needed to prevent this from happening.
Your Roof is Too Old
This is the most common reason why your roof may be leaking. Most roofing material falls between the 10th and 20th years of use, depending on the materials used.
If you suspect that your roof is too old or unsure of the roof installation date, you should contact a professional roofing contractor from the Northwest Arkansas roofing company, and they will help you tell the exact date.
They will also assist you in knowing whether or not a replacement is necessary. If you have an older home, there’s a good chance that your roof is suffering from a few leaks.
The good news is that many times these leaks can be re-shingled or fixed for a reasonable cost.
Your Roof Isn’t Maintained Properly
Like any other part of your house, if you don’t maintain your roof properly, it will start showing signs of damage after some time. You will even get significant leaks.
A good rule of thumb to follow regarding maintenance is to have a professional inspect your roof twice a year, preferably during spring and fall, for any problems that might be present.
This way, you can fix any issues before they escalate into something more significant.
Bottom Line
Roof leaks can be costly, but don’t let anxiety over the condition of your roof stop you from having it inspected.
The best roofing company will be able to spot any immediate issues that could lead to serious structural damage or a major water leak.
They’ll happily let you know what they have seen so far before allowing you to make an appointment for them to come out and perform the repairs.