Even if you clean your home every day, smells are still inevitable.
Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom odors… As long as you cook, sleep, and play in the house, they won’t go away. If you smoke or have a pet, these smelly problems will only get more annoying. However, don’t get desperate. We’re here to help.
Everyday smells can quickly settle in your room and never leave. Fortunately, there are ways to make them go away, but first, we need to get one thing out of the way: no air fresheners, deodorizers, or scented candles.
They only make the situation worse by masking the odors but never really eradicating them. Sometimes, the combination of air fresheners and kitchen smells can get really nasty.

This article will not contain any smell-masking tips. Only verified and efficient ways to get rid of unwanted smells once and for all. Read on!
Tobacco smoke is one of the nastiest smells that can appear in your house. It sticks to every surface in the area you’re smoking in, it penetrates odor-absorbing items, like carpets and clothes, and it even can go through the walls!
Tobacco smell is one of the hardest to remove – but it’s not impossible.
One of the easiest ways to deal with it is to get an air purifier for smoke removal. The appliance’s main benefit is that it has a powerful enough filter to deal with the smoke and smell – so you won’t have to spend hours trying to get rid of them.
However, it will definitely be helpful if you thoroughly clean the room before installing the purifier.
Ammonia and glycol can help you with the smell in the walls and ceiling. If the odor remains, consider repainting them with latex paint.
Kitchen and Bathroom Smells
Fridge & Freezer
In the kitchen, unpleasant smells are not as difficult to eradicate as you can imagine. To get rid of the nasty odors in the fridge and freezer, put an open box of baking soda inside – it’ll neutralize the smells.
Of course, you should remember to always store leftovers and smelly foods (ex. cheese) double-wrapped or in closed containers.
Don’t forget about the dishwasher – use a cleaning tablet at least once a month. Also, don’t forget to rinse the dishes before placing them inside if you don’t run your dishwasher daily.
If you’re using the microwave often (and you’re probably are), don’t be afraid to clean it as well – it’s not too difficult. Simply boil a quart of water with lemon slices for several minutes – the smells will disappear.
Garbage & Disposal
If you take the trash out, and the smell is still there, it probably comes from the trash can itself. Clean it with warm water and leave it to dry, and then sprinkle some baking soda in there to neutralize the smell. In the end, treat it with a disinfecting spray.
With the garbage disposal, it’s even easier – just drop a cut-up lemon, a couple of tablespoons of salt, and a few ice cubes into it and grind. The ice and salt clean the disposal, lemon deals with the smell, and voilà – there’s no nasty odors in the kitchen.
When it comes to the bathroom, remember to ventilate it regularly. To remove the nasty smells in the cabinets, put a cup of fresh or leftover coffee grounds inside.
And, if you want to easily scrub down the tub, tiles, sink, drain or toilet bowl, use a natural solution: half a cup of baking soda in two quarts of water and a soft cloth or brush to wipe it off.
Pet Smells
General Animal Smells
Pet smells can be extremely upsetting and pretty difficult to deal with. However, there are simple ways to properly eliminate these odors from your house.
First of all, wash your pet regularly – check how often you need to bathe dogs and cats. Don’t avoid emptying the cat litter box – if it stays for too long, the odors can penetrate your carpet or any other items.
Clean your pet’s toys and food containers weekly – not only does it help to get rid of the smell, but it’s also good for your furry friend’s health.
Animal Urine Smells
When it comes to animal urine smells, the situation gets a little more complicated; however, it’s not impossible to deal with them.
To clean a nonporous surface, like metal or plastic, use warm water and a strong detergent, and then rinse it.
For porous and semi-porous surfaces, like carpets and wood, if you can’t clean them with the water-detergent solution, it’s better to call a professional restoration company.
Final Note
In order for a house to feel like home, you need to feel comfortable in it. However, even if you have the best furniture and the nicest kitchen, nasty smells can ruin the atmosphere.
Fortunately, they’re not that difficult to deal with. Even if it’s a tobacco smell that sticks to every surface, an extremely unpleasant animal urine smell, or simply an odor coming from a trash can – there are always ways to get rid of them.
While you may want to get an appropriate appliance in some cases, like an air purifier, in others you can use natural methods. If you follow our tips, nothing will stop your house from smelling like home!