
How Much Do You Expect the Kitchen Renovation Cost?

The thought of starting a kitchen remodel might be rather intimidating. The scale of your project and the design layout (the nitty-gritty of your remodel) are the starting points for the dozens of choices that will follow.

The dazzling ideas you’ll find in online galleries, glossy magazines, and open houses will astound you—and drain your bank account.

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How Much Do You Expect the Kitchen Renovation Cost

Some of the variables that influence kitchen remodel expenses are discussed here. Suppose you desire to remodel your home on a budget. In that case, we’ll give you an idea of what you may expect to spend by providing some examples of average expenditures for various sections of the project.

Cost of Remodeling Kitchen and What Affects It

It is possible to perform a minor kitchen renovation by simply painting the cabinets and replacing the countertops. Alternatively, removing everything and beginning over may be a major undertaking. Cost depends on several other variables as well, such as:

Typical Kitchen Dimensions

The square footage of a room is a major factor in the overall price of a remodel. To fill a larger area, you will need more time and resources. The price tag for a renovation typically rises in direct proportion to the size of the updated space. Bob Vila estimates that the average cost to remodel a kitchen is between $75 and $250 per square foot

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The Scope of the Repairs

Kitchens in older homes sometimes show their age first and foremost, so a complete gut makeover with brand new cabinets, worktops, and appliances may be in order. Your spending may rise dramatically as a result of this.

The cost of a partial kitchen remodel is often less than half that of a full overhaul. It is more cost-effective to perform a partial remodel, such as changing just the cabinets or worktops, rather than the entire room. The cost of a partial renovation depends on the scope of work.


Even though it may appear unimportant, the chosen style heavily influences the kitchen makeover cost. How about some Art Deco? To a greater or lesser extent, the price tag will reflect the materials and finishes chosen for each design option.

Substance Used

Make kitchens stand out from the rest of the houses in the area; some homeowners choose to invest in high-end materials like granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. You will investigate the price tag of various components.

Building Location

The typical labor cost in your location will directly impact the final price of your renovation. For instance, kitchen remodels in metropolitan regions are frequently more expensive than those in rural areas. To remain competitive with other regional homes, kitchens in affluent communities typically cost more due to expensive and elaborate finishes.


The structural integrity of a kitchen is a major component in the total cost of a renovation project. To start your new kitchen, you may need to address issues with the foundation or the current plumbing. It may increase your overall budget by several thousand dollars.

Cabinet Selection Affects Kitchen Renovation Expenses

Cabinets are usually the highest single expense in a kitchen remodel. However, there are many variables. Cabinets account for 25% of a kitchen’s total cost, according to HGTV. Dimensions and construction affect cabinet prices greatly. Solid wood, veneer, laminate, and plywood are common materials with varying prices.

Bespoke cabinets are more expensive than stock cabinets because they’re customized. Custom cabinetry costs $500 to $1,200 per linear foot. Cabinet costs vary by region and manufacturer.

Countertop Costs

The countertop material is important. High-end materials are expensive, but you may not want to sacrifice looks. See how options affect total cost.


Granite is popular with homeowners who want authentic stone. It comes in various colors so that you may match it to your kitchen’s decor. Granite is readily discolored, making it a poor choice for spill-prone kitchens. If you choose this, seal it regularly to reduce its permeability. Granite countertops cost $85 to $175 per square foot.


Marble kitchen countertops require attention and cleaning despite their beauty. Marble’s softness and porosity make it readily damaged and require annual sealing. Marble costs $125-$200 per square foot.


Quartz is an alternative to granite if you like its beauty but are concerned about its durability. It’s nonporous and doesn’t need sealing—the installed $75 to $125 per square foot. Quartzite costs more.

Solid Surface

Solid surface worktops are popular in modern kitchens for their durability, adaptability, and aesthetic appeal. They can also be designed to allow unobtrusive fixtures like water and electrical wires. Solid-surface counters cost $65 to $85 to install.

Butcher Block

Butcher block countertops are popular among those who value beauty, practicality, and longevity. Butcher block countertops gather stains easily and require regular cleaning. Harsh chemicals and abrasive sponges can ruin butcher block countertops. It cost about $65.00 and $12.00 per square foot.

Flooring types

Kitchen flooring is a major decision that should not be taken lightly. Because of their longevity, cleanliness, waterproof nature, and various colors and designs, ceramic tiles have become the standard in kitchens everywhere. Homes & Gardens says the average ceramic tile price is $15 per square foot.

Planks, tiles, and even sheets that appear like wood planks are just a few options available regarding vinyl sheet flooring. Vinyl is preferable to ceramic because of its various benefits, such as its lower cost and simpler installation.

The cost can range from $0.50 to $3. At $1.50 to $3.00 per square foot, laminate flooring is one of the most affordable solutions for kitchen flooring. Laminate flooring comes in various colors and designs, including those designed to seem like more expensive materials like ceramic or porcelain tiles.

Wood flooring is popular because it allows homeowners to reuse the same material throughout their homes. You may anticipate spending around $8 per square foot for wood flooring. When budgeting for a kitchen makeover, there are a lot of extra expenses to consider in addition to cabinetry, flooring, and countertops.

Published by
Perla Irish