Best Way to Get Rid of Moles — Learn how to get rid of moles in the lawn or yard in this informative guide. Getting rid of moles is not difficult once you learn the basics of trapping them. Learn about the harpoon, scissor, and pitfall trap here in this guide to getting rid of moles. Also listed are home remedies for those squeamish about mole traps.

How to Get Rid of Moles in the Yard or Lawn (Best Way to Get Rid of Moles)
While moles can cause much damage to lawns, there are methods of mole control. Here we discuss how to get rid of moles in the lawn. Learn about three trapping methods as well as non-toxic remedies you can try at home.
Introduction to Moles
Moles are smallish mammals that spend much of their lives in underground burrows foraging for food. While they are not seen by humans very often, you can identify a mole by its large paddle-like feet and prominent toenails.
This is what enables the mole to virtually “swim” through the soil in your yard, creating the familiar tracks associated with moles. They feed on earthworms, grubs, spider mites, small vertebrates and sometimes vegetation. They can eat up to 70 to 80 percent of their own body weight daily.
There is more than one way to get rid of moles in your lawn – home remedies, commercial products, and trapping. While some people recommend commercial pesticides to kill the insects that moles eat, there are none that kill earthworms, their main source of nutrition.
Also, this involves introducing toxins into the environment. Fumigants can be used, resulting in killing the mole. However, trapping is the most recommended method, as it is the best way to know you have definitely gotten rid of the mole. While it is not always humane, it is non-toxic.
However, trapping is not for the squeamish, as there is only one type of trap in which the mole is caught alive. There are three methods of trapping – the harpoon trap, the scissor trap, and the pitfall trap, which allows for trapping the mole alive.
Best Way to Get Rid of Moles: The Harpoon Trap
The harpoon trap is made in a manner in which a small spike will be driven into the mole when it is caught in the trap. While the mole can usually get away from the trap, it is still mortally wounded, and will often die of the injury caused by the trap.
To set the trap, make a small indentation in the center of one of the tunnels with your finger. Disturb the roof of the tunnel enough so that the mole will want to fix it. This is where you will want to place the trap. Push the spike(s) into the ground on either side of the tunnel. The trigger should be sitting at soil level.
Must Read:
Best Way to Get Rid of Moles: The Scissor Trap
To set a scissor trap, use a garden spade to dig out the top of a tunnel. Before placing the trigger plate on the ground, put a small rock, piece of wood, or mound of dirt underneath it first. This will encourage the mole to want to remove it, keeping him near the trap.
Place the trap in the tunnel and cover with dirt up to the spring. Check the trap every few days to see if you have caught a yard mole. If you have not, remove the trap and place it somewhere else.
Best Way to Get Rid of Moles: Pitfall Trap
By far the most humane trapping option, the pitfall trap works by placing a barrier in the tunnel, such as a half of a two-liter soda bottle. This will prevent the mole from dogging any further or escaping.
However, the trap must be checked daily to ensure a live trapping. It is best to release the moles into a large prairie or meadow out in the country where they will do no more harm to your yard.

How to Get Rid of Moles in Yard Home Remedy
Yard moles have been around for centuries, as have been the home remedies, myths, and folktales revolving around how to get rid of them. These options are great for those interested in humane and non-toxic methods for deterring these animals. Here is a list of home remedies for best way to get rid of moles to try out on your own:
List of Home Remedies:
- Put elderberry cuttings in the tunnels.
- Make a solution of 1 tbsp. of castor oil and 1 tbsp. of liquid dish soap. Spray on soil and plants.
- Sprinkle Chile powder and garlic powder liberally into the tunnels weekly.
- Put ground red pepper into the runs.
- Place dog or cat hair at the entrance of the tunnels.
- Plant castor beans or mole plants (Euphorbia lathyris) around the garden or lawn. However, these plants are poisonous and should not be planted where children can come into contact with them.
Once you have learned the best way to get rid of moles/how to get rid of moles in yard or lawn, you can rest assured that your lawn will go back to looking normal again. Getting rid of moles may take a little time, but once you do, you will have peace of mind that they are gone.
- University of Missouri Extension: Controlling Nuisance Moles: (best way to get rid of moles)
- Critter Trouble advice from Golden Harvest Organics – (best way to get rid of moles)
Photo Credit
- The best way to get rid of moles, American Shrew-mole (Neurotrichus gibbsii) by Tim Gage
1 comment
A more humane way of eliminating underground rodents is to use the “Underground Exterminator” noted on . I have been using this device for years. It also is very effective against underground wasp nests. Just remember to remove the rubber coupler from your car before driving.