Home Improvement

Ten Tips for Moving and Setting Up Your Office at Home

The shift to remote work is reshaping how we approach our professional lives. According to Upwork, 22% of the American workforce will be working remotely by the year 2025! Moreover, LinkedIn data in 2021 reveals that Orlando ranked 5th in the top cities that received the most remote work applications.

image - Moving and Setting Up Your Office at Home
Moving and Setting Up Your Office at Home

People are turning to remote work for its flexibility and the freedom it offers from daily commutes. However, working from one’s home requires focus and a setup that can help you achieve an office-like environment.

This article delves into essential tips for moving your office to your home and creating a space that not only fuels productivity but also supports your well-being.

1. Designate Your Workspace

Creating a dedicated workspace is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It’s tempting to settle in on your couch or at the kitchen table, but having a specific area for work helps in mentally separating professional and personal life.

Choose a spot with sufficient natural light and minimal noise. If space is limited, get creative – a small corner or a partitioned section of another room can serve well. This dedicated space signals to your brain that it’s work time, helping you focus and be more productive.

2. Choose a Reliable Moving Company

When transitioning to a home office, you might need to move quite a bit of equipment. So, what should you do to ensure a smooth transition?

  • To ensure your valuable office belongings are transported safely and efficiently, it’s wise to hire local professionals. So, if you reside in Orlando, research online to find the best Orlando office moving companies and select one that has ample experience and good reviews.
  • Look for a company that aligns with your budget and specific needs, checking their reputation, service quality, and insurance policies. A professional mover can take the stress out of the relocation process, allowing you to focus on setting up your new workspace effectively.

3. Invest in Ergonomic Furniture

Ergonomic furniture is not just a luxury; it’s an investment in your health and productivity.

  • An ergonomic chair supports your posture, reduces the risk of back pain, and improves comfort during long working hours.
  • An adjustable desk can prevent the strain of sitting in the same position all day.

While these may seem like significant expenses initially, the benefits they offer over time make them worthwhile investments. Remember, your comfort is directly linked to your productivity and overall health.

4. Secure a High-Speed Internet Connection

In the digital age, a fast and reliable internet connection is the lifeline of remote work. Lagging video calls or slow upload times can significantly hamper your efficiency.

  • It’s vital to choose a service provider that offers robust and consistent internet speeds. If you’re already on a plan, consider upgrading to a higher speed or a more reliable package.
  • Also, think about investing in a good Wi-Fi router or range extender to ensure strong signals throughout your home, especially in your designated workspace.

5. Organize Your Space for Efficiency

A well-organized workspace can drastically improve your productivity. Start by decluttering and only keep essential items on your desk. Use shelves, drawers, and filing systems to store paperwork, office supplies, and equipment.

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Keep frequently used items within easy reach to save time and reduce distractions during your workday. A clean and organized space not only looks appealing but also helps in keeping your mind clear and focused.

6. Ensure Adequate Lighting

Good lighting is vital for a productive home office setup. It’s not just about avoiding eye strain; the right lighting can also boost your mood and energy levels. If you reside in Orlando, where you can enjoy plenty of sunshine, position your desk near a window to make the most of natural light. However, don’t rely solely on sunlight.

  • Invest in quality artificial lighting for cloudy days and evenings.
  • A combination of overhead lighting and task lighting, such as a desk lamp, can create a well-lit, comfortable work environment.
  • Remember to position lights to reduce glare on your computer screen to avoid eye fatigue.

7. Create a Distraction-Free Environment

One of the challenges of working from home is managing distractions. This could be anything from street noise to family activities. To maintain focus, set clear boundaries with those you live with regarding your work hours and space.

Consider using noise-cancelling headphones or a white noise machine to block out disruptive sounds. Also, keep your workspace clutter-free. A tidy desk minimizes visual distractions and helps keep your mind clear for the tasks at hand.

8. Incorporate Greenery and Personal Touches

Personalizing your home office can make it a more enjoyable and inspiring place to work. Adding plants to your workspace can improve air quality and bring a touch of nature indoors, which is especially refreshing in an urban setting like Orlando. Choose low-maintenance indoor plants that thrive in the amount of sunlight your office receives. Besides greenery, decorate your office with items that motivate you and reflect your personality, like artwork, photos, or souvenirs. These personal touches can make your home office a space where you enjoy spending time.

9. Set Up Reliable Tech and Backup Systems

In a remote work setup, your technology is your lifeline.

  • Ensure you have a reliable computer and high-quality peripherals like a webcam and microphone for virtual meetings.
  • An uninterrupted power supply (UPS) can be a lifesaver in case of power outages.
  • Additionally, robust data backup systems are crucial. Regularly back up your work to an external hard drive or cloud storage to avoid losing important documents.

This tech setup will ensure that you stay connected and productive, regardless of external circumstances.

10. Establish a Routine and Take Breaks

Creating a structured daily routine is essential for productivity and mental health when working from home. Here are a few tips:

  • Start your day at a consistent time, dress as if you’re going to the office, and schedule regular work hours.
  • In these hours, include short breaks to rest your eyes, stretch, or take a quick walk. Orlando’s pleasant weather offers a great opportunity to step outside and rejuvenate.
  • Remember, regular breaks can prevent burnout and keep you energized throughout the day.


When you’re setting up a home office, the key is to create a space that’s not just functional but also comfortable and conducive to your work style. From selecting the right space within your home to choosing a reliable moving company, every step is crucial in shaping your work environment.

By following these tips, you can transform a section of your home into an office that meets your professional needs and helps you work from home without any distractions or lack of productivity. Good luck!

Published by
Perla Irish