Home Improvement

5 Great Tips on How to Save Money on Carpet Cleaning

Having carpeted floors in your home brings out a luxurious and comfortable ambiance in any room.

But with an amazing atmosphere comes with a cost: The cleaning cost, that is!

Having your carpet cleaned by professionals regularly is quite an expense, but did you know there are ways to save on such fees? You can become a DIY carpet cleaner and find ways to cut costs on professional services. How?

Read on as I show you effective ways on how to save money on carpet cleaning.

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5 Great Tips on How to Save Money on Carpet Cleaning

Five Effective Tips to Save Money on Carpet Cleaning

When you have carpeted floors, you need to learn how to care for them properly. This prevents any messy stains, damage, and costly cleanings in the long run.

With that said, follow these five tips to save up!

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1. Vacuum Your Carpet Often

Extend the time between professional cleanings by vacuuming your carpet regularly. This will remove dirt from the surface, preventing it from entering the fibers and damaging your carpet.

I suggest you vacuum your carpets at least once a week, and you’ll be able to cut costs, only availing professional cleaning once every two years.

2. Spot Clean When Necessary

There will be times your carpet is dirty in just a few spots, such as a stain here or a bit of dirt in a small area. You don’t need to pay so much to have these small areas professionally cleaned, as you can do it on your own.

With a bit of water mixed with a drop of dish detergent, you can clean stains. Make sure to blot (do NOT rub) the skin with the mixture using a white cotton rag or paper towels.

Continue to blot until there are no more stains seen, or if it doesn’t disappear, there are various materials you can use to clean certain carpet stains.

3. Use Mats, Runners, and Avoid Wearing Shoes

It’s best that you avoid having any messes or dirt as much as possible, rather than clean only when the carpet gets extremely dirty.

  • Avoid having drinks and liquids around the carpeted room. If necessary, cover the liquid-filled container and keep it in an area where it’s less likely to spill.
  • Keep your pets away from the carpet to prevent them from collecting pet dander or toilet-related accidents.
  • Use mats or runners to catch the dirt shoes would usually have, placing it in entrances. Even better, consider having a no-shoes policy to keep the dirt away for longer AND lengthen your carpets’ lifespan.

By following these tips, you also prevent your carpet from being damaged due to dirt, scuff marks, and indentions.

4. Do Your Own Deep Carpet Cleaning

Professional cleaning services can cost up to a whopping $600, depending on who you work with and how much carpet needs cleaning. Instead of spending that much money regularly, you can do the cleaning yourself.

There are portable carpet cleaning machines you can invest in, which can cost less than $50, already including the cleaning solvents and attachments required.

While such units can’t deep clean as much as a professional does, it can save you a lot before you need to hire their services. It also lessens the need to have it professionally cleaned, saving you more money.

5. How to Save on Professional Carpet Cleaning

Even after all these tips, you will still need to have your carpet professionally cleaned once a year, or as the need arises. While it’s costly, there are ways to save from it beyond the usual coupons.

  • Carpet cleaners usually charge by square footage, so measure your carpeted area accurately to save a few bucks. You never know if they made a mistake, so double check!
  • Move your furniture before they arrive, as carpet cleaners can give you a discount on the lessened labor.
  • Rather than having them clean the entire home with carpeted floors, focus on the high-traffic areas instead.

This is because the carpet isn’t usually dirty in areas people don’t step on (like under furniture). Ask your cleaner if they can clean only high-traffic areas of the room and they can give you discounts.

  • Did you know those carpet cleaning companies also offer specials, especially during their low seasons? They can offer whole house specials or give you some extras, so watch out for advertisements, coupons, or even negotiate yourself.

Take note that slow seasons can be either during the summer or winter, depending on your area.

Wrapping It Up

I know how expensive professionals can be, especially when you have to clean carpets regularly! That’s why I hope you managed to save more with these cleaning tips. If you haven’t begun following them yet, try my suggestions and see how it goes.

Do you have any questions or want to share your own tips on saving money when cleaning carpets? Share it in the comments section below, I appreciate all your insights!

Published by
Perla Irish