Home Improvement

What Are the Advantages of Ceramic Cookware?

Cookware sets typically have a shelf life of around five years. In many cases, pots and pans tend to last even less time than that when they are a cheap set that comes from a big box store.

So how do you sustain the longevity and life span of your cookware sets? An important place to start is to make sure that you are buying a quality cookware set in the first place.

image - What Are the Advantages of Ceramic Cookware
What Are the Advantages of Ceramic Cookware

This often means spending a little more money on the front end, but saving money in the long run because you’re not replacing your pots and pans nearly as soon.

Ceramic cookware is a higher quality option that ultimately has a longer shelf life and has proven to be a great alternative that is worth the investment. So, what makes ceramic cookware sets superior to other options? We’ve done the research and compiled a comprehensive list below.

1.  They are Non-toxic

The benefit of having ceramic cookware is that the Ceramic coating is non-toxic as it is free of PTFE. Ceramic-coated pans are much better than Teflon-coated pans which can be high in chemicals.

Teflon at least stopped putting PFOA in their product in 2013, but many have reported that when heated at high temperatures it can still give off fumes.

Alternatively, ceramic pan coating is made up of sand and no toxic chemicals, so you never have to worry about fumes or ingredients.

2.  They are Non-stick

Unlike stainless steel, ceramic pots and pans for all levels of cooking. It requires no skills or additional knowledge.

Ceramic surfaces are completely non-stick and make it easy to flip and move around cooking food without remnants being left behind. Additionally, they are extremely easy to clean.

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3.  They are Lightweight

This goes without saying, but ceramic cookware is lighter in nature compared to stainless steel, cast iron, and copper counterparts.

These other options can be anywhere between four to eight pounds, while ceramic cookware sets tend to be around two pounds. This allows you to maneuver around the kitchen easily and comfortably without the hazard of dropping.

4.  They are Environmentally Friendly

Ceramic cookware is said to release 60% less CO2 than other cookware sets. Teflon is notoriously horrible for the environment due to potentially toxic materials like PFOA, PTFE, other PFAs, lead, cadmium, or toxic metals.

Ceramic sets instead are made of natural materials and refrain from using any form of hard anodization.

5.  They Have High Heat Tolerance and Even Heat Distribution

Ceramic cookware sets can be exposed to high levels of heat without giving off fumes.

Many types of ceramic cookware sets if they don’t have silicone-wrapped handles are oven safe and can withstand up to 800 degrees, versus their other non-stick counterparts that can only withstand around 500 degrees. They also have excellent heat distribution.

6.  They Have Tons of Color Options

Unlike other non-stick cookware sets, ceramic pots and pans have beautiful color options which can prove to be great ways to decorate or add a pop of color to your kitchen.

Sets that are not ceramic are often black or silver and are not necessarily aesthetically pleasing to the kitchen environment. Ceramic cookware however comes as a set in beautiful green tones, blue tones, yellow tones, red tones, and more.

7.  They Require No Oils or Butter to Coat

Because ceramic pots and pans are non-stick and have a sleek and slippery coating, they do not require butter or cooking oils in order to cook.

Users are free to add these things for flavor purposes, but they are not required in order to cook with these pans. This can also lead to healthier eating alternatives because the food is not saturated in butter.

8.  They are Easier to Clean

Most Ceramic Cookware is not dishwasher safe, but that is helpful in the long run to maintaining their longevity and shelf life because handwashing can help cookware maintain its integrity for longer.

They are however significantly easier to clean through handwashing than their Teflon pan counterparts. Handwashing can be a pain when food sticks to and crusts on your pots and pans.

Due to the ceramic nature of the surface, these cookware owners spend less time scrubbing as the food comes off more easily.

9.  They are Extremely Durable

Because the surface of ceramic cookware does not corrode in any way, it makes it one of the most durable types of cookware sets on the market. The porcelain glaze and molten glass powder that makes up a ceramic coating are incapable of chipping or scratching.

This durability leads to a longer shelf life in which you get your entire money’s worth out of the pan. They are truly worth the investment!

Published by
Perla Irish