Home Improvement

4 Easy Rental Property Summer Landscaping Tips

Summertime is probably the best time to go out and have some fun. With the characteristic rise in temperature, paying attention to your surroundings can take some of the stress off your shoulders.

As a property owner, you can take advantage of the trees on your property for shade and cool air in the afternoons.

If your property includes a porch, yard, or patio, there is no better time to keep up with your landscaping than now.

Polaris Property Management, LLC notes that paying attention to your home’s landscaping will increase its appearance and appeal.

It also offers you a cost-saving and easy way to boost your property’s value. So, how do you go about landscaping maintenance in the summer months? Below are some tips.

image - 4 Easy Rental Property Summer Landscaping Tips
4 Easy Rental Property Summer Landscaping Tips

Water Your Lawn in the Morning

As a homeowner familiar with plants, you must have learned that watering periods for plants should be early in the morning or late in the evening.

To keep your lawn looking green and fresh, you should be intentional about meeting its maintenance needs.

Schedule to have your lawn watered every morning. This practice, however basic it may appear, will save you a lot of money and time. It will also help to improve the curb appeal of your home.

Watering your lawn every morning will help maintain the green appearance and save you from brown patches indicating dead plants.

Watering in the afternoon isn’t really cost-effective. This is because there is a higher chance of evaporating the water, thus reducing the amount of water available for plant uptake. Essentially, afternoon watering is a waste of time and resources.

When it comes to watering, you should understand that your lawn does not necessarily need more water during the summer months.

Avoid erosion or flooding by maintaining the same level of water supply to your lawn.

Overwatering your plants can lead to waterlogging, which cuts off the plant’s air supply.

Using sprinklers will help you to keep water usage down while meeting your plant’s needs.

Mow Regularly

If you supply your lawn with the adequate water and nutrients needed to grow and remain fresh, you should be prepared to mow regularly.

Your lawn tends to grow out, and this may lower your home’s curb appeal. To keep things in order and maintain the greenery standard, ensure that you mow the grass down to a considerable height.

However, if you are mowing your lawn yourself, make sure to keep the cool-climate grasses at about 3-4 inches tall, while the warm-climate grasses are best at 1-2 inches tall.

If you cannot make time out for mowing your lawn, hire a landscaping contractor or company to handle the job.

To make the process easier on you and your schedule, set a time to mow your lawn and stick to it.

Depending on the growth rate of the grass, you can mow your lawn several times a week, once a week, every fortnight, or monthly. The goal is to keep the lawn from going haywire.

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Trim Trees, Shrubs, and Other Plants

Summertime is one of the best times for trees and shrubs to show off. This means that you need to pay attention to all plant materials in your immediate surroundings.

If you have trees on your property, now is a good time to call your tree expert for tree care and maintenance services.

Tree experts often offer tree trimming and pruning services. This is aimed at clipping older and weak limbs to prevent accidents.

Dead tree limbs are also removed to ensure safety, especially when storms hit.

You can also ask your tree care expert to look at your shrubs and other plant populations for maintenance and care.

If you are looking to save money, get the right tools and trim those plants to boost your home’s curb appeal.

Plant Drought-Tolerant Plants and Shrubs

If you are the busy type who wishes to keep your home up to standard with others in the neighborhood, a good way to achieve this goal is to plant drought-resistant plants and shrubs.

With these types of plants, the maintenance requirement is low. You do not need to water them at all times.

Speak to a professional landscape contractor on the perfect drought-resistant plants for your property.

These professionals have the experience needed to recommend the right plants that will beautify your property.

During the summer months, you can also take extra care to fertilize, aerate, and weed your lawn to keep it in top shape.

Published by
Perla Irish