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A Guide on How to Make Candle Holders from Rocks

How to Make Rock Candle Holders | DIY Candle Holder — Candleholders incorporating rocks give a unique look to your space. They can be expensive to buy, but you can make them at home with just a little effort and little money. So, here’s how to make rock candle holders. Be creative and have fun while you make them.

DIY Candle Holder - Learn How to Make Rock Candle Holders
How to Make Rock Candle Holders: DIY Candle Holder

DIY Candle Holder: Learn How to Make Rock Candle Holders

If you appreciate natural elements as decorations, you can incorporate rock candle holders in your home. These natural pieces will add warmth to your decor and there’s nothing like making them yourself. So, here’s how to make candle holders from rocks.

Candle Holders from Rocks

Candle holders made from rocks are often beautiful and expensive. However, it is possible to create your own rock candle holders by using stones that have natural cavities or by drilling holes in the stones.

Another creative way to make a rock candle holder is by gluing together small rocks around the base of the candle. Let’s learn how to make candle holders from rocks.

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Rocks with Natural Cavities

Many rocks have natural cavities and indentations that can easily hold a candle. Pick up rocks that have cavities and somewhat flattish bottoms. Hot glue the candle spike to the rock’s cavity and press a pillar candle onto the spike. Place a small felt disk under the rock to prevent it from scratching your furniture’s surface.

Volcanic rocks such as Geodes also make stunning candle holders. Geodes are beautiful, egg-shaped rocks that contain hollow crystal-filled cavities. These cavities are naturally formed holes are created by gasses that dissolved as the lava cooled.

For turning it into a candle holder, use a half-broken Geode. Place it in a small basin filled with sand to stabilize it and set a votive candle or a tea light inside to make the crystals sparkle.

Geode (DIY Candle Holder – How to Make Rock Candle Holders)

Drill Holes in Rocks for Candle Holders

  • Some rocks, like limestone, soapstone, and sandstone are soft enough to be drilled to hold a candle.
  • Set up a drill press and attach a masonry bit that is the same size as the hole you want for your candle. Position the drill press over the rock.
  • Place a plastic sheet under the rock to collect the dust as you cut the rock. Secure your rock properly using vice grips.
  • Keep a spray water bottle handy to keep your rock wet as you cut. Keep spraying the rock after every 20 seconds to keep the bit cool.
  • Drill the rock for about 10 seconds and then pull the bit up while it’s still running. This gives the bit time to cool down. Slowly, continue this process till you have reached the desired depth in the rock.
  • Now, blow the dust off the rock with an air compressor. Next place the candle inside the cavity in a similar fashion explained above.

Beach Rock Candle Holder

Beach Rock Candle Holder (DIY Candle Holder – How to Make Rock Candle Holders)

Use a large candle as the starting point and arrange beach rocks around its base. Once you have neatly arranged the rocks around the candle, attach the rocks to the candle with the help of a glue gun. Either fill in the cracks with glue-like cement or glue them to the candle from the inside.

Let the glue cool down and then place the candle holder on a tray or a dish. You can also use a felt disk as the candle holder’s bottom.

Stacked River Rocks as Candle Holder

Stack up small, round river rocks like bricks to create a river rock candle holder. Take lots of small river rocks, and stack them around the candle in such a way that it covers at least two-thirds of the candle’s base. Fasten the stones to one another with hot glue. Now, apply felt to the bottom of the river rock candle holder and your river rock candle holder is ready!

Alternatively, you can also place a votive candle inside a glass container such as a glass vase or bowl that is filled with small river rocks for a simple yet elegant river rock candle holder.

River Rocks Candle Holder (DIY Candle Holder – How to Make Rock Candle Holders)


Published by
Perla Irish