The Colorful Meaning Behind the Timeless Appeal of Oriental Rugs

The heavy textile and wide variety of oriental rugs garnered a lot of attention in the western market for their rich, vivid colors and ethereal designs.

Apart from the utilitarian aspect, the brilliant hues of these rugs carry different meanings. We would like to tell you about the meaning behind different rug colors. With this, you will be able to have a great decision while buying a rug for your house.

image - The Colorful Meaning Behind the Timeless Appeal of Oriental Rugs
The Colorful Meaning Behind the Timeless Appeal of Oriental Rugs

Colors and Their Symbolism

For us, choosing blue might mean something with a relaxed atmosphere. Yellow usually is an attempt to achieve a sunny, bright look. However, for rug weavers, colors are more than just an element of decor.


Red symbolizes fire and high energy. This vibrant color invokes happiness, joy, enthusiasm, passion, courage, faith, virility, and a vibrant life force.

The weavers liberally use this color in their weaving for rugs to bring attention to definite patterns, designs, or motifs they wish to highlight.


White is a color used by weavers to add highlights and create spaces among designs to provide clarity. It is associated with purity, innocence, selflessness, cleanliness, and peace.


Brown symbolizes the soil and earth and is considered as the color of nourishment, nurture, and fertility.


Blue, the color of water, symbolizes strength, vigor, stillness, and force. It also stands for honesty, power, and solitude and implies the concept of the afterlife. You can explore the great quality of such rugs at Ben’s Rugs & Furniture.

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Persians consider green to be a holy color. The holy Quran associates the color with the Prophet Mohammed.

Because of this reason, Persian rug weavers rarely use the color green and only reserve it for sections of the rug that are unlikely to be walked on (like the corners and sides). Green is the epitome of hope, life, spring, and renewal.


The bright and fiery hue of yellow is the color of the sun, and in the weavings, it represents the joy and happiness of life.


Gold signifies power, wealth, and wisdom. It was not used in oriental rugs that were meant for sale to the general public in earlier times. This color was reserved only for those rugs that were meant for rulers and royalty.


Surprisingly, black is a forceful color that is associated with a water element that evokes power, mystery, and calm. It is also used to illustrate the concept of destruction and doom.

Rug weavers do not use this color for creating patterns or to create the rug field. They typically use this color to create outlines, borders.


Orange is associated with enthusiasm, warmth, stimulation, and fascination. Rug weavers often use it to add a touch of humility or piety to the design.

Today, rugs have become a necessity in every household, and getting a good-looking rug adds aesthetics to your house. Get the colorful rug of your choice today. Hope this article has helped you decide the color of the rug you want.

Published by
Perla Irish