Home Improvement

Can You Use a Carpet Cleaner on Hardwood Floors?

Though many people think that a carpet cleaner can only clean the carpet, you can use carpet cleaner on various floors like tiles floor, sealed floor, and hardwood floor.

It depends on the type of material or stain on that particular floor. So it doesn’t mean that carpet cleaner can clean only the carpet.

They do clean other substances like mattresses, furniture, curtains, comforters, and even hardwood floors. You need to change the scrubbing mode’s setting to the light cleaning mode for the light cleaning.

image - Can You Use a Carpet Cleaner on Hardwood Floors
Can You Use a Carpet Cleaner on Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floor is the most wanted and aesthetic flooring for every homeowner that is aesthetic and artistic.

Cleaning the hardwood floor, you need extra care for its durability. Some additional maintenance prevents grime, germs, and dirt tracked in the house and even the floor.

How Can You Protect Your Hardwood Floors?

At first, check your hardwood floors are protected with sealant or not. If the hardwood floor is professionally installed, then it is coated with an adhesive.

You should know how to clean your hardwood floor with simple methods that give you the facilities to maintain a polished and clean look with ease. You recognize that your hardwood floor collects a lot of daily traffic from the inevitable scrapes.

Simple Hacks for Using Carpet Cleaners for Hardwood Floors

Throughout carpet cleaners, you can clean both carpet and hardwood floors. As it also acts look a highly active cleaning device, so you can easily remove the naughty stain on your carpet.

Here we are talking about how to utilize the carpet cleaner to clean your hardwood floor.

Dust the Floor First

Ensure that your hardwood floor is dusted properly. You have to do it before cleaning with the carpet cleaner. This is very helpful to wipe your floor before using the best vacuum for carpet and hardwood.

And you can do it with a vacuum cleaner as it is easier to dust the room. In the conjugated areas, you need to do it with a broom.

Use Steam Cleaning

A lot of homeowner wants to know that can you steam clean carpet over hardwood floors. The answer is, “Yes,” you can utilize a carpet steam cleaner technically over hardwood floors.

Besides, it would be best if you distinguished that your hardwood floor is vulnerable to getting damaged by water. You will need to take the necessary steps to protect them.

Sealed Properly

Before using a carpet steamer on the hardwood floor, make sure that your floor is sealed properly, because it may damage the stream on an unsealed floor.

So it better to filled the floor as it does not take much effort to repair the unsealed floor. You need to use a paint roller and apply the sealer into the unsealed floor.

After sealing the floor, let it dry for sometimes. And please avoid hazardous and poisonous chemicals that may damage the hardwood floor.

Check of Your Carpet Cleaner Needs a Steam Cleaning Solution

While using carpet steamer, check out your carpet steamer needs any cleaning solutions or not. What types of solutions you need to apply on your hardwood floor mainly depend on the type of stream you have.

Make sure that you are using a safe chemical for your floor. Sometimes your floor doesn’t require any cleaning solutions too.

Be Sure That Your Carpet Cleaner Can be Used on Hardwood Floors or Not

This is very important to make sure that your carpet cleaner is safe for your hardwood floors. Usually, most of the carpet cleaner has advanced features designed for hardwood floor cleaning too.

And some others are specifically designed for only carpet cleaning. So you have to find out those categories. While purchasing the carpet cleaner, read through the manufacturer’s directions to know the details.

Most people believe that it’s very easy to clean hardwood floors and don’t need extra care of their feet. But it’s their wrong conception. Hence you need to take much care of your hardwood floors and not allow water to get tracked inside.

Here are some important tips that may help you on how to clean a hardwood floor.

First of all, you have to emphasis on drying and cleaning of the floor. Let your floor neither be wet nor dry for a long period.

Use the accurate cleaning solutions for your hardwood floor because it provides easy cleaning and makes the floor dry faster. Thus it can prevent floor swelling and mold growth.

Those simple tricks are very helpful for keeping your hardwood floor clean and long-lasting.

Protecting Your Home Office

While using a carpet cleaner on your hardwood floors, consider the well-being of your home office setup.

If you have an elegant workspace with beautiful office desks, the last thing you want is accidental water damage from improper cleaning.

Make sure to cover or move your office furniture away from the cleaning area to keep your workspace organized and damage-free.

Choose the Right Type of Vacuum for Hardwood

A common confusion is, what types of vacuum can we use? So you get a few options like smaller, lighter canister, etc. So it’s awkward to use those every day.

A side by soda, you may compare of an upright and a canisters vacuum. Or a light stick vacuum you can use on hardwood floors.

As it doesn’t have any extra stiff brushes, so it won’t scuff and scrape your floor. And some of them are cordless, so it’s easy to pull out for a quick clean.

Last Line

Preventive measures are the best way to clean your hardwood floor. Those will reduce your cleaning time and helps in protecting the floor.

On the other hand, reducing dirt prevents tracking on the wood floor by inserting a floor mat inside and outside. You are working out, and your kids are playing with the pet.

All of you come inside the room and make your floor dirty by your shoe. Whatever, you should set a boot and shoe removal area. This way, you can prevent floor damage.

It would be best if you also prevent scratches on the wood floor. Ensure the floor is not scratched by the children’s toys and pet, and use a protector beneath the furniture.

Published by
Perla Irish