Lawn & Garden

5 Best Reasons to Put Mulch on Your Garden

Mulch is the gardener’s best friend. It refers to a layer of materials, usually around two to four inches, put on top of the soil to feed it and improve its structure.

image - 5 Best Reasons to Put Mulch on Your Garden
5 Best Reasons to Put Mulch on Your Garden

When done right, mulching can be an easy and sustainable way to keep your garden healthy and well-balanced.

If you’re new to gardening, here are some reasons you should use mulch:

1. Encourages Recycling

Mulch can be either organic or inorganic. Organic mulch is usually made up of dried leaves, grass trimmings, twigs, bark, wood chips, straw, hay, and paper materials like newspaper and cardboard.

Inorganic mulch, on the other hand, may consist of rocks, pebbles, gravel, black plastic, and rubber.

Using these materials as mulch instead of discarding them not only lessens your waste but also helps the ecosystem.

One way to make recycling and mulching quicker and easier is to use a mulching lawnmower. This machine has blades designed to leave behind grass trimmings as you mow your garden.

These trimmings are so finely-shredded that when they land on the surface, they can easily break down and release nutrients to the soil.

Check this page for the best push lawn mower so that you can maintain your garden and fertilize your soil at the same time.

2. Enriches the Soil

When mulch decays, organic materials add nutrients to the soil. The more organic materials you use, the more fortified the soil becomes.

These nutrients are kept intact as mulch consistently regulates soil temperature. This process prevents loss of vitamins and reduces stress on your plants.

Mulch also improves soil conditions and structure by making it more compact. This prevents erosion from rainfall impact or heavy foot traffic in your garden.

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3. Keeps Weeds at Bay

Getting rid of weeds is one of the most difficult parts of gardening. Mulch helps limit the growth of weeds by controlling the amount of sunlight that seeps through your garden soil.

Without an ample supply of sunlight, weed seeds can’t germinate and steal nutrients that are meant for your plants.

This will save you from using chemical herbicides which are not only costly but may also have dangerous side effects.

Apart from that, you won’t have to spend as much time and energy in maintaining your garden once you’ve gotten rid of persistent weeds.

Good mulch can take care of your garden for around a year before requiring replacement.

4. Locks in Moisture

When you water your garden, mulch stays wet longer than the soil. This is because the limited sunlight prevents the water from evaporating too quickly.

It keeps the soil moist and helps plants stay alive when temperatures rise. Not only that, but you can also conserve water and money because you won’t have to water your garden frequently.

5. Beautifies Your Garden

Apart from keeping your garden healthy, mulch also makes it look more attractive. For one, rich and compact soil always looks neat.

It can also serve as a protective layer and prevent visible damage from lawn equipment.

When landscaping, you may use mulch as a ground cover to fill empty spaces or pathways. You may also use it to highlight plant beds, borders, edges, and other features in your garden.

Published by
Perla Irish